Thurs., Oct. 24, 2019

  • Math (last day to hand in test corrections is Monday)
  • Science Crosswords: clues, fine lined, all pencil erased (due Tue)
  • Pumpkins are going to probably sell out this weekend. If you haven’t got one for our Halloween Pumpkin carving on Wed make sure you get one asap!
  • Pro-D tomorrow (no school)

Note: Many of you are not checking to make sure you are putting everything you need into your bags at the end of the day and/or are leaving homework at home. If this is happening to you: try getting a second binder, a duotang, or a folder to put all your work in. After you are done for the day, PUT IT BACK IN and bring it to school. Talk to your parents, I bet they’d like to help you find something that works. (Feeling organized also feels good). 🙂


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Wed., Oct 23, 2019

  •  Math
    • OVERDUE corrections/signatures: Nicolas, Ava
    • due Mon: Anika, Sami, Shayla, Lucius
  • S.S.
    • OVERDUE (FINAL NOTICE): Anika (Venn Diagram and questions. See Mrs. Chung if you have any questions)
  • Science (due Tues)
    • Crosswords
      • numbered
      • all clues completed
      • fine lined
      • pencil erased
  • L.A. (due Tom)
    • Fires in the Amazon
      • FULL sentences
      • don’t forget Critical Thinking question!
      • EDIT!
  • Pumpkin notices
    • return asap
  • Sugar Skulls (due Tom)
    • good copy outline completed in pencil
    • DON’T forget this at home!!!
  • 2 Notices home to parents
  • Pro-D on Friday 🙂
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Tues., October 22, 2019


  • Math Ava, Nicholas (overdue math tests)
  • Science: crosswords (outlined and numbered in pencil due tom)
  • L.A. (Fires in the Amazon all questions due Thurs)
  • Pumpkin forms (asap)
  • P.E. tomorrow (remember gym strip)
  • Communication Booklets due tom
  • I had fun taking pictures in the leaves today!!!!!
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Mon., Oct. 21, 2019

  • Booklets (due Wed.)
    • completed up to and including: Communication
  • Math
    • Corrected and signed by your parent:
      • Ava
      • Hossna
      • Jahan
      • Lucius (to write when you return)
      • Mihnea
      • Nicholas
      • Shayla, Sami, Anika, Sebastian: you have until next Mon. to complete this
  • Science: Cover page (due Tom)
    • fully coloured and fine lined
  • S.S. (due Tom)
    • Community Connections
    • Budget sheet (completed)
  • L.A. (due Thur)
    • Fires in the Amazon
      • FULL sentences.
      • Make sure you write and edit your Critical thinking paragraphs carefully!
  • Pumpkin Notice


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Fri., Oct. 18, 2019

  • Core Competency Booklet due Wed
    • up to and including Communication
  • Math due Mon
    • do corrections on a separate piece of paper
    • THEN get parents to sign
    • Lucius, Anika, Sami and Shayla are exempt until I return your completed tests
  • S.S. due Tue
    • Community Connection Questions
    • Complete both sides of Budget sheet
  • Science due Tue
    • Cover pages
      • finelined
      • coloured
  • L.A.
    • make sure you have completed the editing paragraph for “Wednesday” (3rd paragraph) by Mon


  • Parents: I sent an email update regarding Camp Sasamat


  • PHOTO RE-TAKES in the LIBRARY Monday at 9:00am!!!!! 🙂 
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Thurs., Oct. 17, 2019


  • Math due Tom
    • do corrections (on a SEPARATE piece of paper)
    • get parent signature on test (only after corrections are done or difficult questions are marked with a * or a sticky note)
    • return tests to Mrs. Suh
    • (Shayla, Sami, Anika, and Lucius — excused for today)
  • Booklets due Wed
    • up to and including Communication
  • S.S. due Tue
    • complete both sides of budget sheet
    • Community Connections — questions
  • Spirit Day Tom
    • wear orange/black
  • L.A. due Tom
    • edit Pen Pals (Wed)
  • Book Fair Tom 
    • LAST DAY (lunch/after school)



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Wed., Oct. 16, 2019

  • Core Competency Booklets
    • completed up to and including Communication
    • ***** DON’T LOSE THESE!!!!!*******
    • see image at the bottom of today’s post for some sample “I can..” statements.
  • Math
    • Mrs. Suh is still marking the tests… stay tuned.
  • S.S. (due Tom)
    • review everything (take home binder and re-read everything)
    • Read Tax Article
    • Budget Activity (fill in for two days)
  • Science (due Tues)
    • Fineline and colour cover page
  • Picture Orders (due Tom)
  • Spirit Day (Fri)
    • wear Orange and Black
    • you will get house points for Sports Day!
  • Book Fair
    • Wed/Fri (lunch and after school)

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Tues., Oct. 15, 2019

    • review your work
    • do your corrections
    • repeat difficult questions
    • complete unfinished work
  • S.S.  due Thurs.
    • Review everything
    • Read Tax Article
    • Budget Activity (show two days)
  • Science due Thurs.
    • Pencil copy of cover page
  • Picture forms (due Thurs.)
  • Spirit Day Fri.
    • wear orange and black
  • BOOK FAIR Tom/Fri.
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Thurs., Oct. 10, 2019

  • Math (due Fri)
    • 4s Extra Practice
    • 5s Extra Practice
    • TEST on PATTERNS/Equations Wed!
  • S.S. Finish Venn Diagram and answer questions on a SEPARATE piece of paper
  • Science Completed Booklets due on Tues
  • Picture forms (half of the class got their picture order forms today, still waiting for the rest) due Oct. 17
  • French (5s only) test (# 1-20) Fri
  • Book Fair next week
  • “Turkey Trot” (monthly run) tom
    • wear/bring runners
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Wed., Oct. 9, 2019

  • Math
    • TEST in 1 week!! (Patterns and Equations)
    • make sure you COMPLETE any unfinished work from yesterday (Both grades)
  • S.S. Governance Questions (Tom)
  • Science: Complete Booklet and hand in to Mrs. Suh by Tues
  • Sugar Skulls: (Tom)
    • 4: finish questions/colouring
    • 5: finish sketches
  • Camp “Boomerang” Form (Tom)
    • NOTE: We are asking you if you WANT to come to camp… we have not planned this trip yet and are NOT asking for payment. If we get enough positive responses we will go ahead with planning. Make sure you are reading the forms very carefully and asking questions if something isn’t making sense.

  • French (5s only): Quiz on Friday
    • # 1-20 (spell, recognize and speak)
  • BOOK FAIR next week! 🙂
  • Check out this picture from YPC today with Groupa America! What was YOUR favourite dance/costume/part?
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