le mercredi, 11 décembre, 2019

  • Math on Monday
    • study for TEST!!!
  • Science due Thursday
    • Complete the following sections in your chromatography lab:
      • Question (over due)
      • Hypothesis (over due)
      • Experiment Summary
      • Materials
  • Curling
    • hand in PINK form and $4.00 by Wednesday
    • we will participate Tuesday on the first week back to school after the break
  • Choir notices
    • due Friday
  • French (5s): review/practice Salutations for Friday
  • Novel Study (4s): Connections for last 3 chapters due Friday
  • Christmas Market on Monday
  • Cookie Workshop Friday
  • Elf Production TOMORROW:
    • wear black bottoms (Mrs. Bourne will provide green shirts)
    • check with Ms. Bourne if you have any further questions about attire
    • 1:30 afternoon show
    • 6:30 evening show (I will be in my classroom available to supervise starting at 6 p.m.) we will watch a movie while we wait for our turn. See you then!
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le mardi, 10 décembre, 2019

  • Math due Tom
    • 4: p.74-75
    • 5: p. 69
    • TEST December 16th! (review)
  • Science due Thurs
    • Complete:
      • Experiment summary
      • Materials
  • Choir Notice due Friday
  • Elf:
    • watch the full play (Tomorrow)
    • first show: 1:30 (Thursday)
    • second show: 6:30p.m. (Thursday night)
  • French (5s only): Friday
    • review “Salutations” sheet
  • Novel Study (4s only): Friday
    • Finish last 3 chapter connections
  • Christmas Market (Monday Dec. 16)
    • bring $0.50 – $5.00 to purchase a gift for one of your family members or friends this holiday season
  • Cookie Decorating Workshop Friday
    • be on TIME (we start at 9:00a.m.)
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le vendredi, 6 décembre, 2019

  • Math due Monday
    • 4: p. 63
    • 5: p. 66-67
    • TEST (Whole Numbers): December 16th
  • Cast Photo Monday
    • full costume
    • you can apply makeup at home if you like
  • Choir Field Trip to Lougheed Mall
    • return by Dec. 13
  • French (5s): Review Salutations handout for Friday
  • Novel Study (4s): Last 3 chapters Connections for Friday
  • Note: Ms. Chung and I were BLOWN AWAY by your incredible campaign speeches, today! Well done everyone!!!!! 😀
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le mardi, 3 décembre, 2019

  • Math due tomorrow
    • 4: p. 60
    • 5: p. 63
  • City Hall field trip on Thursday
    • dress appropriately
  • Jingle Bell Walk on Friday
    • dress appropriately
  • FSA results envelope
    • for your PARENTS
    • grade 4s only
  • S.S.
    • FRIDAY: Campaign speeches memorized to present (Reya, Rediet, Drilon, Jahan)
    • THURSDAY: 2 questions for lunch debate
  • Cookie Decorating
    • form/money due Thursday
    • workshop on Dec. 13
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le lundi, 2 décembre, 2019

  • Math due Wednesday
    • 4: p. 60
    • 5: p. 63
  • Cast Photo 8:00 a.m. Tomorrow
  • Novel Study (4s only) due Friday
    • 2 connections + colour
  • S.S. due Tomorrow
    • Candidate speeches (Reya, Rediet, Jahan, Drilon)
    • Face ID (address etc.)
  • Cookie Workshop form/$12 due Thursday
  • City Hall Trip on Thursday
    • Please dress for a walk down to City Hall (rain or shine)
    • We will be taking the bus back up the hill
  • Jingle Bell Walk on Friday
    • dress for the weather, we will be walking and picking up donations rain or shine
    • reindeer antlers/festive hats are welcome
  • Art: Self-elf completed for Tomorrow
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le jeudi, 28, 2019

First of all, today was AWESOME!!! Special THANKS to our wonderful parent volunteers who made it possible to attend the World Ringette Championships this morning. You all were troopers getting up early and sticking it out in the cold. 🙂

  • Math due Mon
    • 4: p. 57-58
    • 5: p. 62
  • S.S. due Tues
    • Candidate page: Jahan, Drilon, Rediet, Reya
    • Face ID papers
  • Cookie Decorating
    • forms and money are due Dec 5
  • Science (review)

Check out our pictures from our trip today:


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le mardi, 26, 2019

  • P.E. Strip (Mondays or the first day of the school week)
  • Library Books (always due on Tuesdays)
  • French Test (gr 5s only) on Friday
    • Numbers 1-31
    • Days of the week
    • Months of the year
    • Ask/respond to “What is the date?” in french
  • Concert ticket orders (call the school office if you have any questions)
  • YPC – Tomorrow
    • we are leaving at 10:15 and will *hopefully* be back for lunch
  • Ringette World Championships – Thursday
    • I will open the doors at 8:15, take attendance, then we will drive down to Bill Copeland Centre for the 8:40 am game. DRESS WARM!
  • Art: Winter Scenes due Tomorrow
    • please don’t wrinkle/fold these
    • grade 4s (only) will be entered into the Mayor’s Christmas Card contest for a chance to have your card used by the Mayor and his council members for Christmas 2020.
  • Remember your Compass Cards for Dec. 5:
    • Melissa
    • Mihnea
    • Venus
    • Hossna
  • Money for City Hall Field Trip (last chance):
    • Andrew
    • Ava
    • Lucius (please have your dad check his e mail)
  • ***** Science: Today we learned all about POLYMERS! Remember to show off your knowledge to your parents tonight. Feel free to watch these videos any time to review the concepts taught.


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le jeudi, 21, 2019

  • P.E. strip (wash and return for Monday)
  • French (5s only) Test
    • 1-31
    • days of the week
    • months of the year
    • ask/respond to “What is the date?”
  • Concert Ticket orders
    • I had a lot of questions today about concert tickets that I am not able to answer. Mr. Cornell mentioned he has sent 2-3 emails to all Lakeview parents. Please direct any questions/feedback to the school office.
  • City Hall
    • forms/money due Monday
  • YPC on Wednesday morning
  • Ringette World Championships Thursday
    • be at school at 8:15 a.m. sharp so we can make it to the game on time. If you are late, we will have to leave without you and you will be given a folder of “busy work” to do in another classroom until we return at lunch.
  • PRO-D Day tomorrow!!!

We had a FANTASTIC presentation and interview session with M.P., Mr. Peter Julian today. Thanks to Ms. Chung for organizing, and to everyone who planned such critical thinking questions — I’m so proud to be your teacher! 

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le mercredi 20, novembre, 2019

  • French Test (5s only) NEXT FRI
    • #s 1-31
    • days
    • months
    • ask/respond to “what is the date?” in french
  • Math
    • 4: J.M. pkg
    • 5: p.58
  • Concert Ticket orders (send to the office at (9:00 a.m. )
  • Ringette World Championships
    • Nov. 28
    • be at school at 8:15 a.m. SHARP
  • City Hall
    • forms and money due Mon


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le mardi, 18, novembre, 2019

  • French (5s only): due Fri
    • TEST:
      • # 1-31
      • days
      • months
      • how to ASK for the date and RESPOND
  • Novel Study (grade 4s only)
    • Making connection sheets (due Tom)
  • Math: due Wed
    • 4: p. 50 (adding using mental math strategies)
    • 5: p. 55-56 (using benchmarks to round)
  • S.S. Check-in on Thurs
    • review all of your notes and big ideas that you’ve been learning with Ms. Chung
  • City Hall field trip – due Nov. 25
    • Form/$
    • please use a baggie
  • Meditation Monday Tip:
    • keep practicing meditation to calm those “monkey brains” 😉
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