April 27, 2018

  1. Bookfair form
  2. Science Tree Booklet (5 pages plus Title Page) due Monday
  3. S.S. Booklet Due Monday *because Tuesday is a track meet*
  4. grade 4/5 ALL DAY TRACK MEET Tuesday, May 1st
  5. Math:
    1. grade 4: Headdresses due Monday
    2. gr. 5: 248-249 (corrections) due Monday
  6. L.A. Open book quiz due Monday (ch. 15-17)
  7. Play ticket order forms
  8. French (grade 5s): Complete crossword
  9. STUDENT LED CONFERENCES are on May 3rd, please let Ms. Benson know when she can expect you (leave a note in your planner) 🙂
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April 26 2018

1 Science complete tree booklet and title page due Mon (or earlier).

2 S.S. citizenship package due Mon

3 Math grade 4 head dress due Mon

4 Book fair form

5 Play ticket form

6 L.A. Quiz chapters 15-17 due Mon

7 French crossword due Thurs

8 Earthquake form due TOM

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April 25 2018

  1. Book fair form
  2. Play ticket form
  3. Science tree booklet (all 5 pages and title page) due Mon
  4. s.s. webs due tom
  5. Math grade 5 pg. 248 ,249 #s 2,3,6,7
  6. L.A summary chapter 15-17 due tom
  7. Earthquake form due by Fri.
  8. Treat sale tom $0.50 each
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April 20,2018

  1.  no school mon
  2. science page 5 due wed
    1. math
      1. j.m. 5.1.160-163
  3. l.a. finish quiz tues
  4. earthquake form due april 27
  5. music page 22-23 due wed clap every song on page 21
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April 18, 2018

  1. Clean out your backpacks (seriously, they STINK!!!)
  2. Science: Page 5 due TUESDAY
  3. S.S. TEST tomorrow (Komagata Maru, Chinese Head Tax, and Japanese INternment)
  4. Math 
    1. gr 4s: Jump Math 4.1 p. 166-168
    2. gr. 5s: MMS p. 238-239 #9-12
  5. Soapstone form (Anjelena, Tristan, EO, Olivia)
  6. Earthquake Drill form due April 27th
  7. Playland notice (OVERDUE): EO
  8. Music: p. 22-23 Wednesday (and practice clapping)
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April 13, 2018

  1. Summarize chapters 12-14 for the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (due Monday)
  2. Science p. 3 of tree booklet due Monday
  3. S.S. TEST on THURSDAY (7 guiding questions about Komagotamaru, Chinese Head tax and Japanese Internment)
  4. Math gr. 4 p. 235-236
  5. Handouts:
    1. Green handout/$ for Ms. BBourne
    2. Soapstone form/$
    3. Playland form/$
  6. Music practice p. 19 (Monday)
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April 12, 2018

  1. French (grade 5s): Crosswords (both) and practice song for tomorrow
  2. Science: Complete p. 3 of tree booklet by Monday
  3. S.S Test on Thursday (and 7 guiding questions about Komagotamaru/Japanese/Chinese)
  4. Math: (grade 4s) p. 235-236
  5. Green handout for Ms. Bourne
  6. Soapstone form/$
  7. Playland form/$
  8. Music: practice p. 19 (by Monday)


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April 9 2018

1.science tree booklet page 2 due Wed.

2.SS complete flag  due tom

3. math budget project due tom

4.bring report card envlope

5. soapstone form + $$$

6. choir – bring purple t-shirt tomorrow

7. music practice page 18

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April 6 2018

1.science complete 1 page of tree book due  Mon

2.ss complete flag for Tues

3. budget project due Tues

4.return report card envelope

5. vaisakhi day & soapstone handouts

6. read chp. 12 (open book quiz on Mon)



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April 5, 2018

1. complete science 1 page of tree booklet due Mon.

2. ss complete flag for Tues.

3.french 4 sentences due Mon. (grade 5s only)

4. bring pe strip

5. bring report card

6. finish fine lining perspective art by tomorrow

7. la finish chapter 10 due tom.

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