Feb. 28

Today we began an event planning assignment- to prepare to host a district open house for our program. We had a brainstorming session and watched an instruction video. Please use your knowledge from class to organize what you think our schedule for the event should look like so that we can put it together, assign tasks and confirm spending based on budget next class.

Feb 25/19

Today we did part two of our introduction to Event planning. We also did some extra exam review for tomorrow’s exam.

Please note that Work Experience folders must be completed and handed in to career services by Friday, March 1st.


***Important notice**

Certificate exam postponed by one day to Tuesday, February 26th due to a conflict with student work experience opportunities on Monday.


First- important reminders:

  • Term marks cutoff will be Friday, March 1. All missing work will be due at that time.
  • Certificate exam: Monday, Feb. 25 * You must attend this exam during this class for it to appear on your term 2 grade. Without it you will receive an incomplete. Full documentation must be supplied for any absences and retakes will be done in June using a different version of the exam.

Today we discussed event types and careers. We also had students present their review games. If you have not presented yours yet, be prepared to do so this Thursday.

We will be hosting an open house on Tues., March 4th. You will be doing an assignment to prepare this event, so mark it on your calendars and stay tuned for details.


Happy Valentine’s day!

We did review today for our exam. We played the games that students made. Please have yours ready for next class is you have not presented it yet. I would also like to have all missing assignments and quizzes complete. 

Feb 11/19

Happy snow day! 

We had a very small class today, so we spent our time doing final exam review. If you were absent, please come with your game tomorrow and Thursday so that we get some good review in before our exam on the 25th. 


Hi everyone- By now, you should have completed your Foundations of Workplace Safety course online with my TOC on Monday & Tuesday. If you have not, please do so over the weekend. Please email me proof of completion when you are done as you will get marks for a successful score.

Also, we will be playing review games starting next week, so make sure your game is ready to go for Monday. Please be sure to do the self-evaluation that I handed out and use this rubric as a guide to make sure you completed the assignment’s criteria.

We began event planning today and will continue to work on this as we also review for our final exam coming up on Feb 25.

Have a great weekend!

Jan 31/19

Congratulations on completing your first textbook everyone! We finished Chapter 17 on Ethics today. Now it is time to do any catching up you need to do and begin studying for your final exam on February 25th.

Please complete the questions for chapter 17. You will have your chapter 16 & 17 quizzes on Monday and Tuesday next week. Also, remember that your review game is due on Feb 7.

We will be doing the Foundations of Workplace Safety certificate on Monday and Tuesday next week as well. It is an online course, so please check your email inbox for your login information and instructions for getting started. Also, if you prefer to work on your own laptop, you should bring it for those two days. Otherwise, you will be working on the school laptops or computers.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Jan 29/19

Today we finished chapter 16 on Franchises. There will be a quiz next day and the chapter questions are due. We will be beginning our review for the final exam (Feb 25), so please work on your games which are due Feb. 7. If you do not have your chapters assigned or if you have questions, please see me.

Jan 25/19

We finished chapter 15 today. Chapter 15 questions are for homework. There will be a quiz next day. 

We also worked on our games assignment. Please let me know if you need any special materials. 

  • The game will be due on February 7th.
  • *******Final Exam date was announced!- February 25th*****