
Today we did a ch1 quiz and questions were checked. We continued on with chapter 2 along with an activity and a Listening worksheet. Please complete this worksheet for homework and bring it to Thursday’s class so we can discuss.

We did part 1 of Unit 2 in the Foodsafe course. This brings us to page 28 in the blue book and page 17 in the green book.


Happy Monday!

Today we completed chapter 1 of the Supervision Textbook. We discussed the case study “I Never Wanted to be a Supervisor Anyway”. 

We also began FoodSafe Level 1. You will be responsible for keeping up with the course on a weekly basis (ie- work done this week should be caught up by Monday next week). Here is what we did today:

  • Blue book (workbook): p7-16
  • Green book (Activity book): p1-11

For tomorrow:

  • Chapter 1 questions p23/24
  • chapter 1 quiz (closed book)

You should also have completed Worksafe, SuperHost and parts 1,2&online component of the event planning assignment


Hello everyone!

Today we completed our event planning notes and moved on to chapter 1 of the Supervision textbook. Please complete the online component of the event planning assignment in addition to parts 1 and 2 (if they are not already finished). I will be checking your progress on Monday. 

We will also begin the Foodsafe course next week, so your attendance is crucial.

Apr 2/19

Happy Tuesday!

Today we finished up part 6 of the event planning package and began part 7. We discussed two case studies around unique venue options and choosing suitable performers to fit the genre of your target audience. More time was given to work on the event planning project.

We will be beginning our new textbook next class and/or Foodsafe level 1.

Apr 1/19

Welcome back everyone! I hope you are all feeling rested and had a nice break.

Today we completed parts 4 and 5 of the Event Planning section. I also handed out the event planning term assignment. You will need to complete sections 1 and 2 of the assignment by the end of the week.

Supervision textbooks were also issued. If you have still not paid your course fees, please do so before you obtain a textbook. 

Mar 14/19

Happy Spring everyone!

Over spring break, your homework is to finish SuperHost (and WorkSafe if you haven’t done it yet) and to research a particular event that interests you for an upcoming project. For example, if you are interested in planning a music festival, research a festival of the type you would like to plan- find out everything you can about it from historical data, ticketing, and attendance numbers to site and entertainment. This research portion will be a part of your final grade for this project, so you must display your findings in an organized and presentable way.

Have a great Spring Break everyone!!!

March 12/19

Yesterday we had two wonderful hotel tours downtown at the The Burrard & Sutton Place. Field trip assignments were done today in class.

Today we had an excellent guest speaker from BCIT- Morgan Westcott. She shared a ton of helpful information about the tourism industry and the tourism program at BCIT.

For tomorrow, please consider what type of fictional event you would be interested in planning for an upcoming project. Also- keep working on SuperHost!

March 7/19

Hi everyone,

Today we continued with our notes on the stages of event planning. We also worked on the SuperHost program on the computers. SuperHost should be completed by April 1st (the day you return from Spring break). As with our other online certificates, you must email me with proof of successful completion for full marks.

Also- one last reminder about the field trip on Monday. Emails were also sent out. Please do not be late and come appropriately prepared. See you at the Burrard Hotel at 12:45pm sharp!

March 5/19

Today we hosted our open house event. As discussed, students will receive a formative assessment based on their performance of their tasks and their contributions to the planning process, including using what we have learned and applying it. 

Reminder: field trip forms are due next day (Thursday). Our field trip will take place on Monday, March 11. We will meet at 12:45pm sharp in front of the Burrard Hotel and then dismissal will be at around 3pm from the Sutton Place Hotel.

March 4/19

Today we put together an event schedule and assigned tasks for our open house tomorrow. We also began the SuperHost program online. You should have received an email with an enrolment key to login. Please let me know if you have any difficulties getting access to the course.

Field trip reminder: Our field trip will take place on Monday, March 11. We will meet at 12:45pm sharp in front of the Burrard Hotel and then dismissal will be at around 3pm from the Sutton Place Hotel. Forms are due this Thursday, March 7.