May 7/19

Today we discussed special supervisory concerns in chapter 8. We will continue with the portion about unions next day. We did a an exercise about identifying incidences of sexual harassment and exhibit 5 (p242) on ethics. We did not have enough for the chapter 7 quiz, so that will happen next class.

For the next class (Thursday):

  • Come prepared to work! – Bring any work you are behind on and/or your event planning project- we will not be booking the computer lab, so bring a laptop if you need a computer. Also, please bring any other supplies you might need. I will have a lesson planned, so if students are not using the time to work, I will cut the work time short.


May 6/19

Today we finished chapter 7 and did the case study on p224. We also finished the FoodSafe course. I also handed out the event planning project rubric and set the due date (listed below). Final exam dates will be in June- dates to be announced (Supervision text & rewrite for Hospitality Today)


  • Chapter 7 questions
  • Chapter 7 quiz
  • FoodSafe- finish both booklets and prepare for the final exam on Tues., May 21
  • Chapter 1-7 test: Tues., May 14
  • Event Planning Project due: Tues., June 4

May 2/19

Happy Month of May!

Today we finished chapter 6 and did the case study on page 199 in the textbook. We also continued with Foodsafe.

** We set a date for your chapter 1-7 test: Tuesday, March 14


  • Chapter 6 questions
  • Chapter 6 quiz next class (Monday)
  • Foodsafe: Bluebook- pg 62, Green book-pg 48


Today we had a fabulous guest speaker from Umbrella Events. It was a very informative talk about the industry and how she got started in Wedding planning.

We did not do the chapter 5 quiz- so be prepared to write it on Thursday. We will also finish the last part of chapter 6 on Thursday.


Today we completed ch.5- we worked through some calculation worksheets to illustrate staffing guides (productivity, labour hours & wages) and variance analysis. We also did unit 6 in the foodsafe course.

Your Homework: 

  • Chapter 5 questions
  • prepare for chapter 5 quiz
  • up to and including: page 42 in the green book and page 54 in the blue book.


Welcome back- hopefully you are all rested!

Today we did our chapter 4 quiz and moved onto managing productivity standards (chapter 5). If you missed class today, please read the case study on p.167 and decide what should be done about the situation described.

Please be ready to show your chapter questions up to and including chapter 4 by next class.

Also, we will be working towards writing our food safe exam in the next three weeks, so please make sure that you are keeping up.


Have a fabulous long weekend everyone! 

Today we completed chapter 4 and continued with Foodsafe. 


  • Chapter 4 review questions
  • Foodsafe: blue book- up to page 44. Green book up to page 38


Hi all!

Today we wrapped up chapter 3 and began chapter 4. We did a learner inventory on page 106&107 and we did a training activity involving paper airplanes. 

We also watched the unit 4 video for Foodsafe.


  • Chapter 3 questions. There will be a quiz next class.
  • FoodSafe: green book up to page 32 and blue book up to page 40


Welcome to a new week everyone!

Today we worked on chapter 3 and did the case study. We also did the chapter 2 quiz. No homework, so its a good chance to catch up on your chapter questions if you are behind, your Foodsafe and your event planning project.


We finished Chapter 2 today and discussed the Listening worksheet. Please complete Chapter 2 questions for homework (p66, 1-10). There will also be a chapter 2 quiz (closed book) on Monday.

We also finished Unit 2 in Foodsafe. For Monday, please read up to and including page 28 in the blue book and complete exercises up to and including page 20 in the green book.

Have a fabulous weekend!!!