Sept 23/19

Today we did our chapter 2 quiz, began an assignment on ecotourism/adventure tourism (no due date yet), signed up for Foundations of Workplace Safety and watched a video about starting a new restaurant (intro to chapter 4). If you missed today’s class, please make sure to connect with me tomorrow to get instructions for the safety course and the new assignment.

Remember- resumes & cover letters are due this Thursday!

Sept 19/19

Thank you everyone for showing up on time and well-presented for our field trip last class. I was also impressed with the great questions that you asked. Bravo, everyone!

Today we did a chapter 3 quiz today and did all of chapter 2 notes. Questions p45 #1-7 were assigned. The chapter 2 quiz next Monday will be open book again.

Resumes and cover letters are due next Thursday, Sept 26. You can email them or give me a hard copy.

Sept 16/19

Thank you all for bringing in your signed field trip forms today! If you have not, please take a picture and send them to me tonight. 

Today we finished chapter 3 and the questions were assigned: p 68/69 #1-12. We will have our chapter 3 quiz next class (this Thursday). It will be open book again. We also worked on resumes and cover letters again and we will talk about a due date next week for them.

See you at 12:45pm in front of the Element Hotel! Reminder that we will be dismissing from Earls Station Square at approximately 3pm. Email me if you have any questions.

Sept. 12/19

Today we did a chapter 1 quiz and worked on chapter 3 notes. We then went to the computer lab and began work on our resumes and cover letters. No homework was assigned except for getting your field trip forms signed.

***Important*** We will be going on a field trip next Tuesday, September, 17th to the Element Hotel. I handed out a package of information and a form to have signed and return by next class- Monday, Sept. 16th. Please read through this package thoroughly and make sure you understand all of the expectations.

Sept. 10/19

Hi everyone!

Thank you all for the great start to the year! 

I will list today’s assignments that are due for next class and then add a couple of reminders for things still needing to be handed in from our intro days. Today we finished chapter 1- p. 25 #1-8 are homework. We will have an open-book multiple choice quiz next class on chapter 1. Also, for next class, please bring a file with your resume/cover letter (if you have one).

We also had a visit from Ms. Gingras (Ms. G) and Ms. Manning from career services. If you did not fill out a form, please do so and hand it in as soon as possible so we can begin the process of work experience placements.

Other outstanding items:

  • course fees
  • signed parent form (on the back of the expectations handout)
  • “Who are You?” page
  • If you accidentally walked away with one of the text bubble sheets, please give it to me for safe-keeping.


June 10/19

We’re almost there folks!

Tomorrow is our chapter 8-13 test and our final exam is in one week!

All late work is due by this Friday for marks cut-off day.

If you want to try again for your certificate from the first textbook, let me know and I prepare the exam for you to write on Thursday, June 20.

***Very important reminder that all work experience paperwork is due this Thursday in the career centre. No exceptions!***

June 6/19

Today was a review class- materials were given to help you study for your ch 8-13 test next Tuesday and for your final exam the following Monday. There was a vocabulary package, a word search and a review questions package. You will be given completion marks for the review questions package.

Next Monday will also be a review session as well as a chapter 13 quiz. All of the chapter questions are now due. *please note that we will not be doing chapter 14 as it is not on your final exam *


June 4/19

Today we did the chapter 13 case study and discussed the questions. We also did the chapter 11 quiz. Your chapter 12 quiz will be next class and the chapter 12 questions are due next class. Below are further reminders and important dates:

  • Event Planning Project was due today! If you were not present, please email it to me if it is in digital form as I would like to begin marking them!
  • If you still have not given me your carecard number, I have not sent your FoodSafe exam off to get marked. Please speak to your parents or doctor about getting it as the public health authority stores certificates in by your health number and will not mark exams without it!
  • Chapter 8-13 Test next Tuesday, June 11th
  • Supervision Final Exam is Monday, June 17th
  • Last day of our program is Tuesday, June 18th. We will have a class celebration.
  • Last day to hand in assignments/missing work/make-up tests: Friday, June 14th
  • Make-up final exam for the Hospitality Today certificate: Thursday, June 20th