Oct. 29/19

We finished chapter 7 today and the review questions were assigned (p.233#1-8)- for number 4, you can just draw exhibit 5 on page 197. 

Also, on page 203, there is a greenish inset describing different types of meals plans. Please define the following meal plan types. I did the first one for you:

  • Full American Plan- included in the room cost is breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Modified American Plan-
  • Continental Plan-
  • European Plan-

We also discussed hotel trends that have emerged in the past five years. We worked in the computer lab on an assignment that covered some of these trends. This assignment will be due on November 12.

Reminder that there is a Halloween potluck event next class. Each student/pair signed up for something to bring. Please let me know ASAP if there will be any issues with bringing your item so that I can try to get it covered.

Foundations of Workplace Safety online course is due by next class. Please email me with proof of completion or bring a screenshot/print out next class.

Other upcoming dates of note:

  • Chapter 6 & 7 test will be on November 21st
  • WeDay is Nov. 19

Oct. 28/19

We have been working on chapter 7 and only need to finish the technology section next day. Here are a few reminders and upcoming things to watch out for:

  • Foundations of Workplace Safety is due this Thursday, October 31st
  • Progress reports will be given out tomorrow
  • We are planning a mini event for this Thursday the 31st (Halloween theme). It will be a PotLuck with individuals or pairs of students signing up for items to bring. If you missed today’s class, please see me tomorrow to see what you will bring to share.
  • We will be attending WeDay this year after all. It will be on Tuesday, November 19th. Paperwork and other information to come.

Oct. 22/19

Today we had our chapter 1-5 test and began chapter 7 on hotel organization. If you missed today’s test, you will need to bring a signed note to excuse your absence. The rewrite will be next Tuesday, Oct. 28.

This is your chance to catch up on missing work as there is no new homework. Here are some items that you may not have completed yet:

  • chapter review questions- by this time, you should have handed in questions up to and including chapter 6.
  • ecotourism/ adventure tourism project
  • resumes & cover letters (hand in once for feedback, make corrections and resubmit for full marks)
  • chapter 1-5 review assignment (making 10 multiple choice questions- 2 from each chapter. Include answer key)
  • Foundations of Workplace Safety online course must be finished by October 31. When you have confirmed that you have successfully earned your certificate, please send me a photo, screenshot etc

Oct. 17/19

Happy mid-October all!

We’ve had a whirlwind of interviews & field trips, but now we are focused on reviewing for our chapter 1-5 test next Tuesday, Oct. 22 and moving onto chapter 7. Here are the assignments we worked on today, which are due on Monday:

  • chapter 6 review questions- p.182 #1-10
  • test review assignment /10:
    • Write 2 multiple choice questions per chapter, for chapters 1-5 (you will therefore have 10 questions in total). Include your answer key and make sure your questions are appropriately difficult (no obvious answers in your multiple choice options). I will choose some of these questions to include on your test.
  • we will have an open-book quiz on Monday for chapter 6.

Other important items:

  • I am missing several projects, homework assignments (chapter questions), and good copy resumes/cover letters. Please get these in ASAP if you would like credit for them.
  • Foundations of Workplace Safety- please complete certificate exam online by October 31. Email me a screenshot of your certificate upon completion to get credit.

Oct. 7/19

Today we had a guest speaker from Vancouver Tourism College- she had a lot of awesome insight on the industry and gave us information about their flight attendant program. Let me know if you have further questions as she left information and business cards.

We worked on chapter 6 notes after our chapter 5 quiz. Other important reminders:

  • Field trip forms due tomorrow- Hilton/Trattoria on Thursday
  • Students who are being interviewed at the Element tomorrow are meeting Ms. Gingras in the lobby at 12:30pm sharp. The rest of the class is meeting here at the school at the regular time of 12:30pm.
  • Adventure/Eco-tourism project due tomorrow


Oct 3/2019

Today we finished chapter 5 notes and the questions were assigned: p. 135 #1-10. There will be an open book chapter 5 quiz next day. We began chapter 6 on hotels.

Remember that your good copy resumes/cover letters are due, and your ecotourism/adventure tourism project is due next week (Tuesday, Oct 8).

Important- Please get your field trip forms in! 

Some students will be going for an interview at the Element Hotel next Tuesday, Oct.8 at 12:30pm. I handed out an information sheet to those students today. If you were absent, you can email me for details, or if you want your resume/cover letter printed out, email me at: catherine.steffen@burnabyschools.ca



Oct 1/19

Today we had guest speakers from the Swiss Education Group.  We then almost finished chapter 5 notes. No homework except catching up on missed work and the project on Eco/Adventure tourism that is due next Tuesday, Oct. 8. However, please take note of the important items below:

  • Field trip to Hilton Metrotown and Trattoria- Thursday, Oct. 10. Field Trip information and forms were handed out. Signed forms are due back on Tuesday, Oct.8 at the latest (paper copy or by email)
  • Element interviews will be next Tuesday, October 8th- I will give out information sheets to those of you who had expressed interest in being in the first group. It will have all the details on it for you. If you were away today and you had told me you would go when I asked in class last week, then you are on my list as going next Tuesday, and I will have a sheet for you next class 🙂 Please email me with your edited copy of resume and cover letter if you wish for me to print them out in colour (or if you don’t have a decent printer at home).
  • We decided on a date for your chapter 1-5 test: Tuesday, October 22
  • New work experience opportunities were posted in our classroom for Deer Lake festival and Vancouver Christmas Market

Sept 26/19

Today we did our chapter 4 quiz and worked on interview skills. We practiced interviewing and being interviewed. Then we worked on our projects in the lab in the afternoon. If you haven’t given or sent me your resume and cover letter- I need them asap.

Happy weekend everyone!

Sept 24/19

Today we explored the restaurant industry in Chapter 4. Chapter questions were assigned p.101 #1-9. Your first draft of your resumes and cover letters are also due next class. I will give you feedback and hand them back before we finalize them for your interviews/work experience. 

Your quiz will be open book next class.

Also- we came up with a due date for the project assignment given out last class- Tuesday, October 8.