Dec. 9/19

Today we had a guest speaker from Capilano University, who shared about the tourism programs offered there as well as a wealth of other wisdom and experience about the industry.

We also finished chapter 11. I am not assigning the homework questions or quiz until tomorrow because there was no time given to work on it in class. However, if there is a transit strike tomorrow, you will need to be prepared with this work completed and ready for a quiz in the following class. *If there is a transit strike, you will not be penalized for absences. Please keep a close eye on the situation as we know that last minute agreements are often reached to prevent strike action*

Other reminders and news:

  • Our Chapter 8-11 test will be next Thursday, Dec. 19 (last day of classes before the break)
  • Our Christmas event will take place in one week (Monday, Dec. 16). Students have signed up for various duties. Please see me to ensure you have a part to play. Important updates:
    • The secret Santa team did a great job preparing today- This Thursday, please bring your $5 or homemade gift for the student you picked. Please wrap it or use a gift bag and have their name on it.
    • Food items were also assigned. If you have not been assigned anything to bring yet, please contact me ASAP

Dec. 3/19- Welcome to term 2!

We are almost done chapter 11 on casinos. We worked on the cruise ship assignment this afternoon.


  • Field trip to FlyOver Canada and Parq Hotel is next class, Thursday, December 5th. Please do not be late to meet the class at 12:45pm at the upstairs entrance to FlyOver Canada (at the end of the walkway at Canada Place).
  • Cruise ship assignment (part 1 and 2) is due Monday, Dec. 9
  • Christmas event will be Monday, Dec. 16
  • Chapter 8-11 Test will be Thursday, Dec. 19


Happy Tuesday everyone!

Today we had our chapter 10 quiz and began part 1 of a two part assignment on the cruise line industry. I have not set a due date for this assignment yet, but we will have more time to work on it on at least 2 more days.

Reminders and other important info:

  • Class will still be in session this Thursday regardless of a transit strike. However, I will not schedule any tests, quizzes or other in-class assignments in case you find it impossible to get to class
  • Term 1 cutoff is this Thursday, Nov. 28. If you need to hand something in, please either bring it to next class or send it to me via email.
  • Please get your field trip forms and payment of $10.50 for the Flyover Canada field trip in by the end of this week.


Today we finished chapter 10 and questions were assigned: pg. 314 #1-6. As always, there will be a quiz next class. 


  • Term 1 cutoff is this Thursday, November 28th. 
  • Thursday, December 4th is our field trip to FlyOver Canada and Marriott Parq Hotel downtown. Please submit your $10.50 payment (using school cash online, cash, or cheque written out to Burnaby Mountain Secondary School) and the field trip permission form by this Thursday, November 28th. I will not have a ticket for you if you do not pay by this date.

Nov. 14/19

Today we completed chapter 9 and used the rest of the day to complete assignments and missing work. The following should be completed for next class (Nov. 18).

  • submit WeDay field trip forms (signed by blocks 1 & 2 teachers and parent/guardian). WeDay is Tuesday, Nov. 19
  • Chapter 9 questions: p. 282 #1-10
  • Chapter 6/7 review questions (for our ch.6&7 test next Thursday, Nov. 21)
    • Write 5 test questions per chapter (10 questions in total), with answer key:
      • 2 multiple choice questions
      • 1 true/false question
      • 1 short answer or fill in the blank
      • 1 question, you choose the type

Nov. 12/19

Today we had our chapter 8 quiz and students handed in their chapter 8 questions as well as their Hotel Trends Assignment. We continued on our notes for chapter 9. We will be reviewing for a chapter 6/7 test next Thursday, November 21st.

I also handed out the paperwork outlining the information about two upcoming field trips:

  1. WeDay- next Tuesday, November 19th. Meeting at gate 7 (Roger’s Arena) at 8:30 am sharp. Permission forms (signed by teachers and parents/guardians) are due back by Monday, Nov. 18th at the very latest.
  2. FlyOver Canada/ Marriott Parq Hotel- Thursday, Dec. 5th. meeting at 12:45pm sharp at FlyOver Canada Gate (Canada Place). Cost is $10.50 which can be paid in cash, by cheque written to Burnaby Mountain Secondary or by using School cash online (check link on BMSS website). Deadline to hand in signed permission forms and money is November 28th. Students not having paid by this date will be expected to attend school as usual that day and work on an alternate assignment.


Today we worked on our hotel trends assignment, chapter 8 homework questions and we began chapter 9 (meetings industry).


  • Due Nov. 12: Hotel trends assignment Hotel Trends
  • Due Nov. 12: Chapter 8 review questions- page 259 #1-10 (for number six, you may want to draw out the organizational chart as shown on pages 246/247)
  • Nov. 21: Chapter 6 & 7 test

Important Reminder**** We will not have class this Thursday, Nov. 7 due to early dismissals for parent/teacher interviews.


Today we had our chapter 7 Quiz and moved onto chapter 8 (Clubs). We finished our notes as it is a relatively short chapter. I will be giving some class time tomorrow to work on the chapter questions.

Oct 31/19

Happy Hallowe’en Everyone!

Thank you all for bringing all of the food and supplies to share at our potluck. We will review some of the details about planning this event, next week.

We will be doing a chapter 7 quiz on Monday. Please hand in missing work and send me confirmation of completion of Foundations of Workplace safety.

Have a great weekend!