June 3/19

Welcome to June!

Today we finished chapter 13. There was time given to work on the event project that is due tomorrow. We also did quiz catch up, which means that the chapter 11 quiz will happen tomorrow instead. Chapter 12 quiz and questions are due for Thursday. Chapter 13 quiz and questions are due on Monday, June 10.

  • Remember that the chapter 8-13 test will be next Tuesday, June 11

May 30/19

Congratulations to all of our graduates! It has been an exciting week of leaving ceremonies and I am so proud of you all!

Today we completed chapter 12 and began our last chapter (chapter 13) of this course! Homework is chapter 11 questions and quiz next day. Also, your Event Planning project is due next Tuesday, so this should be a big focus of your weekend to put on the finishing touches.

Recall from previous posts: Other important dates:

  • Event Planning Project due: Tues., June 4
  • Chapter 8-13 Test: Tues, June 11
  • Supervision Final Exam: Mon., June 17
  • Last day to submit marks: Fri., June 14
  • Last day of Tourism class wind up party: Tues., June 18
  • Make-up exams and final exam rewrites: Thurs., June 20

May 28/19

Today we worked through ch.12 (Time Management) and did the ch.9 quiz. We also watched Tim Urban’s Tedtalk on procrastination. We will finish the chapter next class and have a chapter 10 quiz.

Homework is to complete chapter 10 questions and to ensure that you have given me your care card number for your FoodSafe exam.

May 27/19

Welcome to the last week in May!

Today we did chapter 11 on Conflict resolution. We watched the TedTalks (How to Deal with Difficult People- Jay Johnson). We also did the chapter 8 quiz.

Tomorrow we will do the chapter 9 quiz and I will check your homework questions.

*Please take note of the important upcoming dates from the last post


May 23/19

Today we completed chapter 10 on motivation.

Your homework is to complete chapters 9 & 10 questions and to study for quizzes next day.

*Please remember to bring your care card number for next class or email it to me. You need this on your FoodSafe exam in order for them to mark it *

Upcoming Important Dates:

  • Event Planning Project due: Tues., June 4
  • Chapter 8-13 Test: Tues, June 11
  • Supervision Final Exam: Mon., June 17
  • Last day to submit marks: Fri., June 14
  • Last day of Tourism class wind up party: Tues., June 18
  • Make-up exams and final exam rewrites: Thurs., June 20

May 21/19

FoodSafe test was today. If you did not write it today, you will have a different version to write on Thursday. * Also * if you did not have your PHN (personal health number), please bring it next day or email it to me so that your exam paperwork is complete.

Homework- Chapter 8 questions and chapter 8 quiz next class. We will continue with chapter 10 next day.

May 14/19

Hi Everyone,

Attendance for today’s test was poor, so I decided to delay it to Thursday (with two versions). Please provide a note or have your parent/guardian contact me to explain your absence. For the duration of the year, unexcused absences on test dates will result in postponing rewrites to one make-up day at the end of the term- no exceptions.

Today we finished chapter 9 notes, however, I did not assign the questions/quiz yet. Chapter 8 & 9 questions and quizzes will take place next week on Thursday, May 23, as we have our FoodSafe test on Tuesday, May 21.


Today we finished chapter 8 and reviewed for tomorrow’s test. I put up the crossword answers at the end of class today, but if you missed it, send me an email and I can send you the key.

Homework is to study for the test. 

May 9/19

Today was a working/catching up block and we did the chapter 7 quiz. 


  • Ch1-7 test: next Tuesday, May 14
  • FoodSafe Test: Tuesday, May 21
  • Event Project Due: Tuesday, June 4