Jan 21/19

Today we continued with Chapter 14 and did a Chapter 13 quiz. No new homework was assigned for tomorrow, so please make sure that you are caught up.

I handed out an application to apply for a trip to Kelowna for “Adventures in Tourism” through the Rotary Club of Burnaby. Please see me for more details. Application deadline is February 15.

I also introduced an assignment that we will be doing making review games in preparation for our final exam. Please make sure to get the details if you missed today’s class.

Jan 17/19

Today we began our discussion on chapter 14- Marketing in Hospitality. Time was given to work on chapter 13 questions. If you did not complete them in class, please do them over the weekend for homework. There will be a chapter 13 quiz on Monday.

Other news/ tasks: 

  • I am looking for someone to join me at the Student information night next Wednesday (Jan 23). You can get work experience hours as you work alongside me at a tradeshow type event, speaking to parents and prospective students about our program. It begins at 6:30pm and runs until 8:30pm at Burnaby Central Secondary. Let me know if you are interested.
  • If you have not submitted your paperwork for WeDay or the Element work experience- they are both due (please bring Jonathan or Nathan your evaluation forms to complete first).
  • We are actively planning work experience for the rest of this year- many of you still need hours- please see me to discuss opportunities.

Jan 15/19

Hi everyone,

Today we completed chapter 13 notes and continued our conversations about Human Resources. We Watched a TedTalks about happiness in the workplace and did a case study on Manteo Resort in Kelowna. No homework was assigned. 

January 10/19

If you missed the test today- please be prepared to write it on Monday and provide a note explaining your absence.

At this point, you should be caught up with all chapter questions up to and including chapter 12. Also overdue are your hotel trends assignments and Cruise ship assignments. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend!!!

Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing holiday.

As we enter 2019, there are a few upcoming things to think about. First, if you are behind, please work on the lists I handed each student today to get yourself caught up. Next- please make sure that you have handed in any missing paperwork for work experience in order to receive credit for it. You also need an updated resume on file.

For next class:

  1. What is your work experience plan? Please be prepared with some ideas moving forward.
  2. Chapter 8-11 test is this Thursday. We will be doing some review tomorrow
  3. We completed chapter 12 notes today. Chapter questions are due next class.