
Today we completed chapter 16 on franchises, and watched videos and the history of franchising as well as the story of Ray Kroc (of McDonalds). We also did the quiz for chapter 15.

Homework is the chapter 16 questions #1-9 on page 466.

This week’s assessment days: I handed out progress reports with missing work highlighted. If you had a few highlighted items, you must attend at least one of the days this week. The schedule is: tomorrow (Tuesday, Jan21) from 10:15-12:30pm and Thursday, Jan23 from 12:30-3:30pm.

Information night volunteers- If you volunteered to join us for the Ace-IT/Youth Training in Trades info night at Burnaby Central, please arrive by 6pm in the commons. Dress in business casual attire. The event will begin at 6:30pm and should last a couple of hours. If you still want to take part, please email me: catherine.steffen@burnabyschools.ca