Dec. 9/19

Today we had a guest speaker from Capilano University, who shared about the tourism programs offered there as well as a wealth of other wisdom and experience about the industry.

We also finished chapter 11. I am not assigning the homework questions or quiz until tomorrow because there was no time given to work on it in class. However, if there is a transit strike tomorrow, you will need to be prepared with this work completed and ready for a quiz in the following class. *If there is a transit strike, you will not be penalized for absences. Please keep a close eye on the situation as we know that last minute agreements are often reached to prevent strike action*

Other reminders and news:

  • Our Chapter 8-11 test will be next Thursday, Dec. 19 (last day of classes before the break)
  • Our Christmas event will take place in one week (Monday, Dec. 16). Students have signed up for various duties. Please see me to ensure you have a part to play. Important updates:
    • The secret Santa team did a great job preparing today- This Thursday, please bring your $5 or homemade gift for the student you picked. Please wrap it or use a gift bag and have their name on it.
    • Food items were also assigned. If you have not been assigned anything to bring yet, please contact me ASAP