Oct 1/19

Today we had guest speakers from the Swiss Education Group.  We then almost finished chapter 5 notes. No homework except catching up on missed work and the project on Eco/Adventure tourism that is due next Tuesday, Oct. 8. However, please take note of the important items below:

  • Field trip to Hilton Metrotown and Trattoria- Thursday, Oct. 10. Field Trip information and forms were handed out. Signed forms are due back on Tuesday, Oct.8 at the latest (paper copy or by email)
  • Element interviews will be next Tuesday, October 8th- I will give out information sheets to those of you who had expressed interest in being in the first group. It will have all the details on it for you. If you were away today and you had told me you would go when I asked in class last week, then you are on my list as going next Tuesday, and I will have a sheet for you next class 🙂 Please email me with your edited copy of resume and cover letter if you wish for me to print them out in colour (or if you don’t have a decent printer at home).
  • We decided on a date for your chapter 1-5 test: Tuesday, October 22
  • New work experience opportunities were posted in our classroom for Deer Lake festival and Vancouver Christmas Market