June 4/19

Today we did the chapter 13 case study and discussed the questions. We also did the chapter 11 quiz. Your chapter 12 quiz will be next class and the chapter 12 questions are due next class. Below are further reminders and important dates:

  • Event Planning Project was due today! If you were not present, please email it to me if it is in digital form as I would like to begin marking them!
  • If you still have not given me your carecard number, I have not sent your FoodSafe exam off to get marked. Please speak to your parents or doctor about getting it as the public health authority stores certificates in by your health number and will not mark exams without it!
  • Chapter 8-13 Test next Tuesday, June 11th
  • Supervision Final Exam is Monday, June 17th
  • Last day of our program is Tuesday, June 18th. We will have a class celebration.
  • Last day to hand in assignments/missing work/make-up tests: Friday, June 14th
  • Make-up final exam for the Hospitality Today certificate: Thursday, June 20th