Nov. 12/19

Today we had our chapter 8 quiz and students handed in their chapter 8 questions as well as their Hotel Trends Assignment. We continued on our notes for chapter 9. We will be reviewing for a chapter 6/7 test next Thursday, November 21st.

I also handed out the paperwork outlining the information about two upcoming field trips:

  1. WeDay- next Tuesday, November 19th. Meeting at gate 7 (Roger’s Arena) at 8:30 am sharp. Permission forms (signed by teachers and parents/guardians) are due back by Monday, Nov. 18th at the very latest.
  2. FlyOver Canada/ Marriott Parq Hotel- Thursday, Dec. 5th. meeting at 12:45pm sharp at FlyOver Canada Gate (Canada Place). Cost is $10.50 which can be paid in cash, by cheque written to Burnaby Mountain Secondary or by using School cash online (check link on BMSS website). Deadline to hand in signed permission forms and money is November 28th. Students not having paid by this date will be expected to attend school as usual that day and work on an alternate assignment.