Oct. 29/19

We finished chapter 7 today and the review questions were assigned (p.233#1-8)- for number 4, you can just draw exhibit 5 on page 197. 

Also, on page 203, there is a greenish inset describing different types of meals plans. Please define the following meal plan types. I did the first one for you:

  • Full American Plan- included in the room cost is breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Modified American Plan-
  • Continental Plan-
  • European Plan-

We also discussed hotel trends that have emerged in the past five years. We worked in the computer lab on an assignment that covered some of these trends. This assignment will be due on November 12.

Reminder that there is a Halloween potluck event next class. Each student/pair signed up for something to bring. Please let me know ASAP if there will be any issues with bringing your item so that I can try to get it covered.

Foundations of Workplace Safety online course is due by next class. Please email me with proof of completion or bring a screenshot/print out next class.

Other upcoming dates of note:

  • Chapter 6 & 7 test will be on November 21st
  • WeDay is Nov. 19