Oct. 22/19

Today we had our chapter 1-5 test and began chapter 7 on hotel organization. If you missed today’s test, you will need to bring a signed note to excuse your absence. The rewrite will be next Tuesday, Oct. 28.

This is your chance to catch up on missing work as there is no new homework. Here are some items that you may not have completed yet:

  • chapter review questions- by this time, you should have handed in questions up to and including chapter 6.
  • ecotourism/ adventure tourism project
  • resumes & cover letters (hand in once for feedback, make corrections and resubmit for full marks)
  • chapter 1-5 review assignment (making 10 multiple choice questions- 2 from each chapter. Include answer key)
  • Foundations of Workplace Safety online course must be finished by October 31. When you have confirmed that you have successfully earned your certificate, please send me a photo, screenshot etc