Oct. 17/19

Happy mid-October all!

We’ve had a whirlwind of interviews & field trips, but now we are focused on reviewing for our chapter 1-5 test next Tuesday, Oct. 22 and moving onto chapter 7. Here are the assignments we worked on today, which are due on Monday:

  • chapter 6 review questions- p.182 #1-10
  • test review assignment /10:
    • Write 2 multiple choice questions per chapter, for chapters 1-5 (you will therefore have 10 questions in total). Include your answer key and make sure your questions are appropriately difficult (no obvious answers in your multiple choice options). I will choose some of these questions to include on your test.
  • we will have an open-book quiz on Monday for chapter 6.

Other important items:

  • I am missing several projects, homework assignments (chapter questions), and good copy resumes/cover letters. Please get these in ASAP if you would like credit for them.
  • Foundations of Workplace Safety- please complete certificate exam online by October 31. Email me a screenshot of your certificate upon completion to get credit.