Sept. 10/19

Hi everyone!

Thank you all for the great start to the year! 

I will list today’s assignments that are due for next class and then add a couple of reminders for things still needing to be handed in from our intro days. Today we finished chapter 1- p. 25 #1-8 are homework. We will have an open-book multiple choice quiz next class on chapter 1. Also, for next class, please bring a file with your resume/cover letter (if you have one).

We also had a visit from Ms. Gingras (Ms. G) and Ms. Manning from career services. If you did not fill out a form, please do so and hand it in as soon as possible so we can begin the process of work experience placements.

Other outstanding items:

  • course fees
  • signed parent form (on the back of the expectations handout)
  • “Who are You?” page
  • If you accidentally walked away with one of the text bubble sheets, please give it to me for safe-keeping.