Science – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Science

Dear Families of Division 3,

On Wednesday May 1st, our school will be having an early dismissal at 2 pm to accommodate student-led conferences.  Please note that only the Grade 6 students will dismiss at 2:00 pm. The Grade 7 students will be attending a play at Alpha and will only return to school at 3:00 pm. Due to this schedule our conferences will be held from 3:00-5:00 pm. Families are invited to join their child for a 15-20 minute student led conference where your child will present some of their learning. If you are unable to attend in person, please sign up for a home conference and students will conduct their student-led conference at home.

At the time of the conference, 6 other families will be meeting with their child in the classroom. Students will conduct their own conferences with their families. I will be there to offer clarification or assistance if needed, however, this time is not a time for us to meet or discuss concerns or questions you may have about your child’s academic or social emotional needs. These conferences are an opportunity for your child to showcase their learning and discuss with you goals and next steps. Parents are encouraged to provide constructive feedback and discuss ways they can provide support.

Below is a link where you can sign up for a time that works for you to attend your child’s conference. Please keep in mind there are only 6 slots available for each timeframe. If for any reason you are unable to attend in person you may also select to have your child hold their conference at home.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out. It’s always exciting when students get the opportunity to share what they’ve been learning and set goals for where they are going next. I look forward to seeing you all in person as you celebrate your child’s achievements.


Ms. Smith

For their speeches students are required to write about an authentic moment in their lives and discuss what they learned from that experience. Speeches will be presented in class Friday March 1st. Finalists will be selected for the district competition by March 15th.

A timeline of Earth’s History:

Students had a great time this week visiting the Beaty Biodiversity Museum and the Pacific Museum of Earth. During the field trip they got to learn about fossils (body and trace) and learned how scientists date rocks and fossils. They also had an opportunity to examine museum specimens to increase their awareness of biodiversity, evolution, ecology, and conservation.

The videos below talks about how important these skills are to develop and how to help kids develop them so that they can succeed in school, achieve their goals and plan for the future.

In class we have been learning about each executive function and students have been setting weekly intentions to help strengthen and develop these skills. In class we have been learning more about how the brain develops executive functions and students have been setting individual/collective goals around the following executive functions below:

Impulse Control
Ability to think before speaking, resist temptation, think about choices and consequences of behaviors before acting.

Flexible Thinking
Ability to think about different ways to solve problems, adjust to new situations, learn from mistakes, cope with routine changes, try new things, switch from task to another, and learn new things.

Emotional Control
Ability to regulate emotions, choosing which emotions are appropriate in any given situation, maintaining emotions under pressure.

Working Memory
Ability to follow instructions, pay attention, use relevant information while in the middle of an activity.

Ability to have self-awareness of how one is doing in the moment to make adjustments of actions/behaviors to the current situation.

Planning and Prioritizing
Ability to plan daily tasks to meet short and long-term responsibilities.

Task Initiation
Ability to motivate self to begin tasks by directing behaviors and actions.

Gather and keep track of information and belongings.

Throughout the week they have been monitoring their individual and collective efforts. This critical reflection is helping them develop an awareness of their own needs and they are learning to monitor their progress, develop, and sustain growth in each of these areas.

Videos Links:

What is Executive Function?

Executive Functions

Executive Function-A Day in the life of…

10 Ways to Train Your Brain to Be More Focused and Productive

How to Improve Your Concentration and Focus

How does breathing impact the brain?

The Science of Breathing


Fraser Health will commence the School Immunization Program for this year’s Grade 6 students on Thursday, November 2nd.  Please return the Fraser Health consent forms if you haven’t already done so.

If you have any additions questions or concers, please contact your Public Health Representative at (604) 918-7605.



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