Most of your children have received their Encouragement book following their presentations of their Star of the Week. We have two books to go! As a class, we consistently talk about our feelings and emotions during Community Circle and through our writing.  In this activity, students are learning to write an encouragement letter to the Star of the Week. These letters include specific details about how each child feels about the Star of the Week, what types of things they like to do with them, and things they notice about the person. The brainstorming picture of your child is located at the front of their book. The growth in writing that we have seen this year has been phenomenal and has impressed us so much. The students have learned to give meaningful, thoughtful, detailed letters to their classmates, including a picture to go along with the letter. We hope that reading these books at home have brought your children a great deal of joy, as they have brought to us in reading them.   

Big Idea: Everyone has a unique story to share

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning requires exploration of one’s identity

Curricular Competencies:

  • Communicate using sentences and most conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Plan and create a variety of communication forms for different purposes and audiences
  • Create texts to deepen awareness of self, family, and community
  • Recognize the importance of positive relationships in their lives
  • Share ideas, information, personal feelings, and knowledge with others


  • metacognitive strategies and writing processes
  • letter formation, spelling and sentence structure

Core Competency: Personal and Social – Positive Personal and Cultural Identity

  • I have pride in who I am. I understand that I am a part of larger communities.