Yay Division 6 we made it! What a year! I have loved having all of you in our class. I have missed seeing your lovely faces in the last term. It was nice to see most of you during the Teams Meetings or in class in June. I have such wonderful memories of each of you this year.
You have done such a great job this year. You worked hard and put your best effort into all you did. You accomplished a lot. You have shown how you can take on new challenges and persevere through them. You have helped give me the strength and motivation to do the same. Thank you. 😊
I hope you all have a wonderful summer. I will miss you. I can’t wait to see you all again soon and see how much you’ve grown. 🙂 I know you will continue to learn many things. Here are some examples that you are probably doing already. 😃
I have put a couple of activity checklists in the Schedule. My family is going to see how many we can do over the summer. I have also put some Art activities for you to do. I put some colouring sheets of a local Canadian landscape painter, Dana Irving for you to do. You can check out her work on her website http://www.danairving.com/gallery-one/and colour the illustrations or draw your own in her style. I also put instructions on how to make a popsicle stick loom for weaving. (you can also you a glue gun to hold it together) Enjoy!
Thank you again for a wonderful year. 💖
P.S. Don’t forget to join the Burnaby Public Library Summer Reading Club. https://www.bpl.bc.ca/kids/kids-events-and-programs/summer-reading-club
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