Monthly Archives: November 2015

Fr8 P3 – jeudi le 5 nov

Today we: watched the DVD clip of the Festival du voyageur & did a couple of activities in the cahier corrected / worked on Cp33 & 41 For next class: we will be working on both the review package & … Continue reading

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Fr10H – jeudi le 5 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons: fait Dictée B regardé à nos tests corrigés commencé Tp38 & Tp38 #1 Pour la prochaine classe: Tp38 #1

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Fr11 P8 – mercredi le 4 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons: fait la révision en jouant à Jeopardy Pour la prochaine classe: Tâches Finales due vendredi le 6 nov Test d’unité – vendredi le 13 nov

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Fr11H – mercredi le 4 nov

Aujourd’hui nous avons: travaillé les tâches finales Pour la prochaine classe: Tâches finales due mardi le 10 nov

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Fr8 P6 – mercredi le 4 nov

Today we: watched the DVD clip of the Festival du voyageur & did a couple of activities in the cahier corrected / worked on Cp33 & 42 For next class: we will be working on both the review package & … Continue reading

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Fr8 P3 – mardi le 3 nov

Today we: handed in the arbre généalogique (Family trees) played review Jeopardy to review the unit For next class: Cp33 & 41 – if you didn’t already do them for today! Unit Test – jeudi le 12 nov

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Fr8 P6 – lundi le 2 nov

Today we: handed in the arbre généalogique (Family trees) played review Jeopardy to review the unit For next class: Cp33 & 42 – if you didn’t already do them for today! Unit Test – mardi le 10 nov

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