June 22-24 Activities

Hello Families of Division 14,

This will be our last week of online learning! Which I am sure is a huge relief all around (let out that sigh and give yourself a pat on the back). We did it! Thank you families for being flexible, patient, and kind as we navigated through these challenging times. Thank you for the hard work that you have been doing at home and thank you for communicating and sharing your child’s learning. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to teach your children, each of them brought something so special and unique to our classroom community and I am going to miss that next year.

This week there are just a few activities. I have shared a lot of books on Epic! for your children to explore this week and over the summer. Epic! will continue to be free to use over the summer, so please keep reading whenever you can! It is so important to make time for at least 20 mins a day. Since April 1, our class has read over 3000 books on Epic! SO incredible!!

June 22-June 25

Please remember to pick up report cards and student belongings this week on Tuesday after school 3:15-4:00 pm (please let me know if you are coming during this time) and Wednesday between 8:30 am-3:30 pm (Please not during lunch). When you come please also return your child’s portfolio binder as I will be reusing them next year. You can keep the work that was inside it. If you have not returned library books or classroom books that were borrowed before spring break please also return those when you come.

I hope you all had a lovely Father’s day and found time to acknowledge Indigenous People’s day. Enjoy this weeks activities and I look forward to seeing each of you at some point this week!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

June 15-19 Activities

Hello Division 14 Families,

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend. Thank you to everyone who has sent me the core competency activity, if you haven’t had a chance to do it yet please make sure to email it to me as soon as possible.

This weeks activities are not listed out into specific days but open to complete as you like.

June 15 – 19

Our last Think Outside the Box Thursday…

TOBT- Mountain

Next week, report cards and student’s belongings will be ready for pick up. Pick up times will be Tuesday, June 23 after school from 3:15- 4:00pm and Wednesday, June 24 between 9am-3pm. Please feel free to bring your child along, it would be really nice to see them and say goodbye before the summer. I look forward to seeing you all in person again one last time this school year.

This week we will have our last zoom meeting on Friday at 11am and we will have a little slide show!

I hope you all have a lovely week.


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond



June 8-12 Activities

Hello Division 14 Families,


I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I’m so thankful we were able to have a sunny weekend before the week of rain ahead. It is exciting to see some parks and playgrounds are opening up again and I hope that you are able to get outside and safely enjoy this new phase of reopening.

I can’t believe we are nearing the end of the school year already. I know I’ve said it a few times already but I want to thank you again for all the hard work and efforts you are putting in at home. June can be a challenge for kids to stay motivated and they are about ready for a break. This week Ms. Tam has prepared some fun STEM activities to do at home which I hope will keep students interested and motivated. The best learning happens when kids are curious!

You may have noticed that I have assigned a few books to the class on Epic. These books are not required but are recommended. Normally in the classroom, I try to include activities and literature that is relevant and responsive to what is happening in our communities and in the world around us. Right now, (and always) that means having age-appropriate conversations about diversity, inclusion, and racism. Below is a link to books that celebrate and explore these topics/issues for a variety of age groups.

Epic Books- A safe place to explore all voices

This week I need everyone to complete this core competency activity for reporting. In the third term, students must complete a core competency reflection. Please return it to me by Friday June 12. 

** core competency self assessment June **

Here are the activities for the week! We will have our zoom meeting on Friday at 11 AM. Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or if you feel you need to check in! I miss seeing the kids and checking in with parents at drop off.

June 8 – 12 Activities

For families that will be attending school this week, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and has rain boots as we will be spending time in the creek beside the school!

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and for the rest of the class I can’t wait to see you Friday on Zoom!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

June 1-5 Activities

Hello Division 14 Families,


I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and found some time to have some nice family time. I can’t believe tomorrow is June 1st already! Tomorrow Part-time instruction will be starting at Suncrest. I will be in the classroom on Monday and Tuesday learning with some students. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday will be spent doing some prep and online learning. Like I mentioned on Friday, based on the the current structure I will be able to continue our Friday class meetings Zoom!!! I am so happy that I will be able to continue to see everyone once a week!

Lessons might look a little different than you are used to because Ms. Tam and I will be co-planning. Please continue to post activities on Fresh Grade. Next week I will be sharing a core competency activity that MUST be completed for report cards. So stay tuned for that. I have made an assignment for the activity we completed on Friday over zoom. Please upload your photos, so I can complete the final product. 🙂

Activities for June 1 – 5



With kindness,

Ms. Raymond


May 25-29 Activities

Hello Families,

This week teachers will be collaborating to plan for a positive and engaging return to school for students for the month of June. There are still many questions in the air and we are all working together to try and find appropriate and thoughtful answers/ solutions to ensure a safe return for everyone. I look forward to what the next few weeks may bring.

Our last class zoom meet with be on Friday May 29 at 11 am. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding with all the change that is happening. I also want to say thank you for all the hard work that you have been doing at home. It has been so fun to see the creative ways you have implemented learning at home. As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact me via email. 🙂




Monday, May 25

Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me.

Word Hunt: How many words in the “-ap” family can you find? i.e. cap.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Choose an item in your house. Find 5 items that are shorter and 5 items that are longer.


Tuesday, May 26

Inquiry: Read Life cycle of a butterfly on Epic and draw a picture of something that you learned.

Word Hunt: How many words in the “-ab” family can you find? i.e. cab.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Using a pen or pencil, measure the length of your bed. How many pen/pencils fit into the length of your bed? If you don’t have enough, you can use one or two and move them as you count.


Wednesday, May 27

Inquiry: Watch these 2 videos about Caterpillars turning into butterflies

Using the 4 stages of a butterfly create a way to demonstrate your understanding of the butterfly lifecycle. For example, drawing, using materials to create art, acting out the cycle or using loose parts to create the stages (examples below)…


Word Hunt: How many words in the “-ag” family can you find? i.e. rag.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Measurement occurs in many areas of everyday life! It occurs when cooking a meal or baking a delicious treat! Measuring allows you to keep track of the amount of each ingredient you will need to create the food you eat! Following a recipe involves following measurements of ingredients.

Bake or cook something at home with a family member (Remember if you cannot do this today pick another day this week that works for your schedule)


  • Select a recipe
  • Look at the recipe ingredients and how much you will need for each ingredient
  • Notice what you are using to measure out the ingredients needed.
  • Why is it important to measure while baking or cooking?

Post a picture of you baking/ cooking or your finished product! Enjoy! I will be jealous of all the delicious food!


Thursday, May 28

Think Outside the Box Thursday

Word Hunt: How many words in the “-am” family can you find? i.e. Sam.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Time Capsule:


  • Listen to the story again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvvFJgu3tFs
  • Have a discussion with your family about some memories you have made over the many weeks spent together.
  • Use the template (below) or create your own to complete the activity.
  • Write down 1 or 2 memories on the same or multiple templates and add a picture of that memory (can be drawn or a picture taken)
  • Add your balloons to your time capsule and preserve the memories you made.
  • Post-Pictures of your memories to FreshGrade.



Friday, May 29

Video Conference: Friday at 11:00 AM we will do our last class video call. Same password and everything as last few weeks. As a fun treat we will make it a little PJ Day! Wear your PJ’s and bring your favourite stuffie!

Word Hunt: How many words in the “-ad” family can you find? i.e. sad.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Writing: Write a letter to Ms. Raymond. You can include something you feel excited/nervous about coming back to school OR tell me about your week and your favourite thing you have been learning about.

May 18-22 Activities

Hello Division 14 Families,

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend! We had some beautiful weather today, I finally made it out on a much needed challenging hike now that some things are open. This week we will be continuing on our plant inquiry and we also have Outdoor Classroom Day on Thursday! One of my favourite days of the school year. I encourage you to spend as much of the day as you can, and just appreciate the land the we live and play on. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place. There is a slight chance of rain but there are so many things to appreciate outside in the rain too. So even if its raining, bundle up and go for a walk if you can!

On another note some of you might have heard in the news starting on June 1, 2020 there will be the option for students to voluntarily return to school. More information in regards to this will be shared as soon as it is available. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Below are the activities for the week 🙂




Tuesday, May 19

Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘G’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Choose a number: 10, 20, 50, 90 Find that quantity of items (rocks, seeds, books, blocks, toys). What different ways can you count the items? How can you show or record how you counted them?


Wednesday, May 20

Inquiry: Plant life cycle.


  • Using the 4 stages of a plant’s life (seed, sprout/germination, seedling, plant) create a way to demonstrate your understanding of the plant lifecycle.  For example, drawing, using materials to create art, acting out the cycle or using loose parts to create the stages (examples below) …



Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘Z’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: When might you need to add two numbers or amounts together when you are doing things at home? Draw or write a story about this


Thursday, May 21

Think Outside the Box Thursday

Outdoor Classroom Day: Outdoor classroom is an important way that we promote a love for nature and learning. Choose 3 activities from our outdoor classroom activity list to do today!

Outdoor Classroom Day Activities


Friday, May 22

Video Conference: Friday at 11:00 AM we will do our class video call. Same password and everything as last.

Word Hunt: We have finished all the letters! Now we are going to start exploring word families. How many words in the “-an” family can you find? i.e. can.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Writing: Write a letter to a friend in the class!

May 11-15 Activities (Updated)

Hello Families of Division 14,


Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you have all safely enjoyed this beautiful weekend! Below is the plan for the week and last week Think Outside the Box Thursday!

UPDATE:  There is a Pro-D day on Friday so there will be no instruction that day. I will bold and move 2 activities from Friday to other days. For those that can make it we will move our class meeting to Thursday at 11 AM. Please try to make a letter for your buddy, even just a simple picture. We want to make sure everyone gets a letter or a picture. If you have two buddies, you can still do one letter and just write both of their names on it.



Monday, May 11

Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘Y’ and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Look around your home or neighbourhood. Where are numbers used that are in a specific order? (ie. a clock, addresses) Take photos or record the numbers you find on a piece of paper. Do you notice any patterns in the numbers?


Tuesday, May 12

Inquiry: Owen asked the question, “why do leaves grow?”. Today we will explore that question and also think about why trees have leaves?


  • Paper
  • Pencil


  • Look at the photo provided. It was taken at the end of October when we had our bean plant. I want you to think about the leaves, what do you notice has happened? You can draw a picture and write a sentence or talk about it in your recording.
  • Record a video, audio, or write down the answer to this question, “Why do you think trees need leaves? What is their purpose and what do they do for the tree?”

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘K’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Here is a list of benchmark numbers in order: 0 5 10 20 50 Draw a numberline with these numbers on it and then add these numbers to it: 7, 12, 25, 49, 61 How will you share your reasoning for where you placed each of the numbers?


Wednesday, May 13

Inquiry (optional): This is an 8 minute video about how trees grow video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWPqQxz-7gg). I learned a lot when I watched it. I learned that some seeds need fire to grow! If you give it a watch let me know what you think is the most interesting fact! Feel free to draw a picture or send me a short audio/video clip.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘D’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Choose a number: 20, 50, 100 or 150. What different ways can count up to and down from that number? Consider counting by 2s, 5s or 10s or try 3s or 4s. How will you share one way you counted?

Writing: Write a letter to your big buddy in Ms. Daneshwand’s class. It is okay if you don’t remember or know how to spell their name, just do your best spelling or your can write ‘Dear Big Buddy’. You could tell them a story, a fun fact, something that you enjoyed doing with them this year or you can just draw them a picture. Make sure you write ‘from [your name]’ so they know who it is from. Send me a picture and then I will pass it forward to them!


Thursday, May 14

Think Outside the Box Thursday

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘V’ draw and label them. If this one is a challenge, students can think of words that have ‘V’ in it.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!




  • Read exploring leaves on epic (it has been assigned).
  • Label and colour the parts of a flower picture.

Video Conference: Friday at 11:00 AM we will do our class video call. Same password and everything as last.


Suncrest Staff Paper Video

Hello Families of Division 14,


As most of you have probably seen, Suncrest Staff made a video for our Suncrest community in hopes of bringing us a little closer to you at home. We miss you so much and we miss being at school just as much as you do! I hope this video brought a smile to your face and warmth to your heart. We had so much fun making it for you! Special thanks to Ms. Tam and Mr. Li for organizing and editing the video. I feel very thankful to live and work in a community that is so kind and caring.



Our music teacher Ms. Fletcher would like students to please complete and submit 3 easy forms that are on the Music Blog. These are the links that are posted along with a link to the blog. I will also add a link to the activities page.

Ms. Fletcher’s Music Blog

Music Blog Poll

Music Reflection

Scavenger hunt


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

May 4-8 Activities

Hello Division 14 Families,


We had some more really great Think Outside the Boxes this week! Thank you for sharing these.

I noticed that some of you have really been enjoying math activities, so I had made a one-page math challenge. I will try to do one every week if it is something that students are enjoying. It is optional!


Optional: Math Challenge week 5


Monday, May 4

Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘B’ and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Math: Making 10-sum-Memory card game


  • Create a deck from four of each: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (Ace).


  • Deal out the cards face down.
  • Players take turns turning two cards face up.
    If a player turns a pair upward and that pair sums to 10, the player puts that pair of cards in their stash and plays again.
  • If the upward pair does not sum to 10, the player turns the cards back face down, and the next player moves.
  • The game ends when the cards are all claimed. Whoever has the most cards wins.


Tuesday, May 5

Inquiry: Now that we have explored who works and lives in our community. What does our community look like?


  • Paper (the bigger the better for this one)
  • Drawing materials (pencil and a fine liner if you have one)


  • Brainstorm a list of things in your community.
  • Using a birds eye view (imagine looking down on the streets like a bird) start by drawing something in the centre of our community (i.e. our school).
  • You can go for a walk to gather ideas and draw while you are walking or draw when you get home.
  • Next you will need to draw the main roads and the roads surrounding the border of your community.
  • Add smaller streets, parks, some houses, and anything else in our community you would like to add.
  • Final step if you would like it to outline your drawing with a fine liner. These will make all of your beautiful lines stand out and bring your drawing to life. Feel free to add colour or leave it as is.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘J’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: What is money for?


  • Paper
  • Pencil


  • Discuss the question: What is the purpose of money and what it is for?
  • Record your answers.


Wednesday, May 6

Inquiry: Time to build your community using your map.


  • Blocks/Lego/sticks
  • Cars
  • Loose parts (collect some objects around the house that you could use to create roads, houses, people)


  • Using your map from Tuesday create our community using materials inside or outside! You can use a combination of materials too if you don’t have enough of one thing.
  • Don’t forget to clean it up or talk to your parents about finding a safe space to store it if you want to place with it again later.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘X’ draw and label them. If this one is a challenge, students can think of words that have ‘X’ in it.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!


Choose an amount: 15¢ or 25¢ or 50¢ or 100¢

What different ways can you make this amount with coins? (you can choose to use pennies or not!)


Thursday, May 7

Think Outside the Box Thursday

Mothers day Activity: Choose one of three activities to complete with your dad or another family member (could be an older sibling). (Link to activity here- No peeking Moms!) MOM’s DO NOT OPEN- Mother’s Day Activity.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘U’ draw and label them. If this one is a challenge, students can think of words that have ‘U’ in it.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!


Friday, May 8

Video Conference: Friday at 11:00 AM we will do our class video call. Same password and everything as last.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘F’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Inquiry: How do living things (plants and animals) change in spring? ** PLEASE complete this so that I can use this information to plan activities for the following week. 😊


  • In the Inquiry tab on this website enter the password. If you have forgotten the password, ask your child about our class pet or you can send me an email and I would be happy to tell you.
  • Scroll down to our new Inquiry exploration and then click on the new Padlet. Ask your child what they know and wonder about living things and how they change in spring and record their answers in the Padlet.

With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

April 26-May 1 Activities

Hello Families of Division 14,


Here is the plan for this week!



This week on Wednesday or Friday please work on our inquiry activity.


  1. Visit our Padlet on the Inquiry page. Add your ideas to our jobs in the community.
  2. Select a job you would like to explore more.
  3. Using Epic!, find a book about a job in the community and record what you learn, just like a researcher. Some things you might think about recording include.
    • The job title
    • Draw a picture of a person in uniform or doing that job or dress up like them and take a photo!
    • What is their role in the community?
    • What is important about what they do? (you can think about what would happen if we didn’t have someone that does that job).
    • Where do they work? (i.e. school, hospital, nursing home, office, parks, airport etc.)
  4. A great way to record this information is to create
    • a pic collage (It is a free app that you don’t need an account for. It can be downloaded onto a phone or ipad)
    • a poster (big or small)
  5. Send it to me via email or share on Fresh Grade. I will share them on our password protected page for classmates to see. Please let me know if you are not okay with this. If your child’s face is in the picture I will blur/cover their faces before it is shared.

This is not meant to be a big fancy poster but a fun way to share students learning with each other. It can just be a blank piece of paper with a picture and some point form of them answering the questions provided above. Students can even send a voice recording of what they learned if they like.

Please send me an email if you have any questions or are curious about how something works. I’m here to help!


Tuesday, April 27

Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘W’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Find What’s Missing? (Source: mathlearningcenter.org)



Wednesday, April 21

Inquiry: Work on the inquiry activity listed above.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘Q’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Making 5-sum-Memory card game


  • Create a deck from 4 ones or aces, 4 twos, 4 three, and 4 fours.


  • Deal out the cards face down.
  • Players take turns turning two cards face up.
    If a player turns a pair upward and that pair sums to 5, the player puts that pair of cards in their stash and plays again.
  • If the upward pair does not sum to 5, the player turns the cards back face down, and the next player moves.
  • The game ends when the cards are all claimed. Whoever has the most cards wins.


Thursday, April 23

Think Outside the Box Thursday

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘R’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Making 10 using different combinations of numbers. Use the PDF provided.

Making 10


Friday, April 24

Video Conference: Friday at 11:00 AM we will do another class video call.

Inquiry: Continue to finish this weeks inquiry activity.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘L’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

1 4 5 6 7