Remote Learning Plan (if necessary)

Hello Division 13 Families,


Thank you for your continued support during this unusual school year. I have heard from many of you that you are enjoying staying connected through Freshgrade and I am grateful to have a platform that allows us to share student learning and classroom activities.

Fraser Health has been asking more classes to isolate in the last month when there have been exposures. At this time, we are not expected to transfer our learning to online, but I wanted to share some information in case that should happen. If we do begin online learning, we would use Freshgrade, Zoom, Raz-Kids and our class blog for assignments and information.

  • Parents/students can upload assignments to Freshgrade via the student app login. I will be able view/comment on their work via their virtual portfolio. Your email should be attached to an account already.
  • I would post lesson plans, activities and resources on the class blog. Your email should already be attached to receive any new post updates. You can also locate the blog on the Suncrest website under “Staff”.
  • I would also schedule virtual meetings and sessions via Zoom.

We may not have the opportunity to pick up any materials or items from school, so our online platforms would be our main source of learning. Please let me know if you are not signed up to Freshgrade, Raz-kids, or the blog, and I will add your emails and names.

Again, this is just our tentative plan should we need to make the switch.

Thank you for your understanding.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond


April Newsletter

Hello Division 13 Families,


I hope everyone enjoyed a safe and happy Easter. We had some lovely weather this weekend and it looks like we can finally see some Spring changes. As many of you are aware we have 3 new students that have joined our class since the beginning of March. Arthur S. joined us before spring break, Freyja joined us last week and tomorrow Kiley will be joining our room.

In other exciting news, Ms. Toor, Ms. Diep, and I finish our graduate diploma next week!! We have been working on this for the last two years through SFU to further our studies and explore/strengthen our pedagogy.

Here is this months Newsletter!

April 2021 Newsletter

Last week we started our Inquiry about plants. We shared what we know and wonder and plants. Students shared many interesting and thoughtful questions. Over the next few weeks we will be exploring these questions through a variety of activities including some planting! As you may have seen on Freshgrade we will also be exploring our creative thinking by doing Think Outside the Box Thursday!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

March Newsletter

Hello Division 13 Families,


Next week we will be celebrating Literacy Week as a whole school community. We will be having themed days where students can participate by dressing up. There will be more information coming about this so please stay tuned.

February was a month of kindness, community building and learning to communicate our feelings to our peers. We read books like Kindness Grows, How to Be a Bucket Filler, Name Jar, and Personal Space Invader. I have seen so much growth this month and I am so proud to see students sharing how they are feeling during our sharing circle at the end of each day. We will be continuing this theme into March. Keep an eye out for an envelope I will be sending home for parents this week. There is an activity that we would love for you to be apart of!

Here is this months Calendar and Newsletter!

March 2021 Newsletter


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Valentine’s Day- February 12

Hello Families,

As this year is a little bit different, so are our celebrations.

This year we will be watching a short film and playing to celebrate Valentine’s Day. You are more than welcome to send a treat for your own child to enjoy during that time in the afternoon. This year we are not exchanging treats, only cards. 

This year if you would like to bring cards for your classmates please bring them in by Monday February 8th, so we can have them sit for a few days before handing them out on Friday February 12th. 

I will be sending home a class list at the end of this week for you to create your cards.

With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond


PJ Day Friday January 29

Hey Families,

Our class has been learning about respect and what it means to show respect to our peers, our caring adults, and to ourselves. We have been earning rocks for following the group plan, helping others, and listening. Last Friday we earned our last rock and we decided as a group that as a reward we would have a class PJ Party! The party will be Friday, January 29.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond


December Newsletter

Hello Families,


The kids are very energized and excited for the upcoming holidays. We have decorated the outside of our room with Ms. Tam’s class to look like a gingerbread house. We have an elf visiting our classroom and her name is Peppermint. Yesterday we worked together as a class to brainstorm and vote on a name.

December 2020 Newsletter

We have some fun activities happening before the break including a school wide bingo and some fun themed days. Please check out the newsletter for more information!


Here is Ms. Tam and I roasting some marshmallows over our fires.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Orange Shirt Day

Hello Families of Division 13,


This is the first post of the year so I hope it will be received by all. I have added everyone’s email to the subscribe list for the year, so that when I make a post you will get an email notification.

Phyllis's Orange Shirt: Webstad, Phyllis, Nicol, Brock: 9781989122242: Books -

Today we recognized Orange Shirt Day. Thank you to everyone who wore orange! I will add a photo to Fresh Grade of our class. This week we have have had some conversations about why we recognize Orange Shirt Day and why it is important. We talked about how every child matters and has the right to play, to have choices to wear what they want, to feel loved, and to be proud of who they are and where they come from. During outdoor classroom we have started to talk about the land that we learn, live and play on and that not all of our ancestors are originally from here. I would love to know where your families come from so that we can explore that further as a class. We also have a map that I use to show where in the world our families have come from (whether that is some place in Canada or another country).

2020 Kindergarten Timetable – Here is a rough look at our day in case it would be helpful when preparing for the day or having conversations about school.

October 2020 Newsletter – I will send share dates and a little update once a month!


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond


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