Reminders before the break

Hello Division 13 Families,

As we prepare for the break I have a few updates/requests. Friday will be the last day of school and we will return on Tuesday, January 4. Over the break our room will be getting some work done and we need to send home everything from our cubbies. I will be sending everything home tomorrow, if you could please send your child with a cloth/reusable bag in the morning it would be very helpful. On Friday please leave a change of clothes in their backpack in case of emergency.

Thank you to everyone for a wonderful start to the school year! If I don’t see you or get a chance to tell you, I hope you all have a lovely and safe winter break.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

December Newsletter

Hello Division 13 Families,


The next few weeks are filled with a lot of fun activities and a lot of excitement! We have an elf on the shelf that has joined our classroom. I will try to share updates of what she is up to on Fresh Grade if you would like to follow along. In Story Workshop we are exploring the story of The Gingerbread Man and today we learned some new vocabulary and mixed some ingredients together to make a gingerbread man cookie. We will cook and decorate it on Wednesday (Don’t worry, we will not be eating it).

We will have an app called Raz Kids up and running for our class in the next few weeks! Keep an eye out for information about how to login. It is a great tool for young readers.

Please check out our newsletter for important information and calendar. If you have any questions please let me know!

December 2021 Newsletter


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

November Newsletter and PJ Day Monday

Hello Division 13 Families,


I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween weekend! I was sad to miss everyone in their costumes today but I look forward to hearing about it on Monday.

On Monday, we will be having a PJ day and plan for a calmer day after the excitement of the weekend. I have attached the newsletter and calendar for this month.

November 2021 Newsletter and Calendar


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond


Updates for this week

Hello Division 13 Families,

I have a few updates about this week that did not make it on the Newsletter or Calendar for this month.

Now that we are wearing masks all day and we are also approaching rainy weather, could you please keep 1 or 2 extra masks in your child’s backpack. We are going through our extras quite quickly and I would like to have them in case of emergencies.

We are still missing quite a few family photos. We would love a photo for our family tree. It is a great way for students to connect and share stories with one another about their families.

Wednesday will be our pumpkin patch day. We will be picking our pumpkins and have hot chocolate at 10am. If you would like to watch from behind the fence you are welcome to do that. I will be taking photos and adding them for Freshgrade. If you have not paid for the pumpkin on school cash, please do so as soon as possible.

Friday will be our Halloween Party and school parade. Students are welcome to wear their costumes all day. Please follow the guidelines Mr. LaPlante shared on our school website. We will have a classroom party and watch a movie. You may send a special treat for your child that day that they can eat while we watch our movie. If you would like to bring a class treat, it must be individually wrapped and cannot be homemade or contain nuts of any kind (as we have multiple allergies in the classroom).

Finally a big thank you to Sarah (Cameron’s mom) for making us playdough for the month of October. If anyone is interested in making fresh playdough for our class next month you can sign up here.


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Online Forms + K School Supplies

Hello Division 13 Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend filled with family time and good food!

This is just a friendly reminder that we need all online forms complete in order for us to go for walks, among other things. Students are very eager for us to get outside to explore the creek. There was an email sent a few weeks ago about how to complete them. If you need help please let me know and I will do what I can to assist you. Thank you to those that have already completed them.

Kindergarten families, if you have not done so already please submit payment for your child’s school supplies through school cash online. Again thank you to those of you that have already done this.

Looking forward to another great week ahead!


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

June Newsletter and Events

Hello Division 13 Families,


May was another busy and fun month! We had a lot of fun learning about our butterflies and sharing items that are important to us with the class. We will do another Show and Tell this month. There are a lot of different things happening in June so please read over the calendar and newsletter. We have no June Birthdays but we have 3 July and 2 August Birthdays that we will be celebrating this month. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about anything!


June 2021 Newsletter + Calendar



Ms. Raymond

May Newsletter and Calendar

Hello Division 13 Families,


I hope you are all doing well. Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning a lot about plants and what they look like as they grow. In our garden we will be working with Ms. Kal and Ms. Nanson to plant Corn, Beans and Zucchini in a 3 sisters garden. These are known to be 3 of the main crops Indigenous communities in North America grow together because of the way they support each other as they grow. We are growing the Zucchini and currently have 3 seeds that have sprouted.

We will be starting show and tell so make sure to check out our calendar and newsletter for more details.

May 2021 Newsletter/Calendar


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

Student Led Portfolio Share

Hello Division 13 Families,

We are pleased to invite you to take part in our first At-home/Virtual Student Portfolio Share. Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, we regretfully will not be able to host families into our schools. Instead of meeting in person, your child will prepare a few work samples for you to look through.

Over the next week I will be going through students portfolios both physical and on Fresh Grade. Please keep an eye out for a comment notification from myself on a piece or two of your child’s work as it will include a note from your child expressing something they are proud of, something they have persevered through, and something that they feel they are improving on.

Our goal is to celebrate all that the students have accomplished this year and to make visible the growth that has taken place. Please take the time to go through your child’s portfolio with your child at home as well. To make the experience meaningful for both you and your child, we ask that you take a few minutes to fill out a parent input form. Please use the link below to complete the form: 

Please complete the form by Wednesday May 5. 

If you have not returned your portfolio back to school, please do so as soon as possible. I am missing 3 or 4.

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Student Portfolio share forms 2021  (If you need a printed copy please let me know!)


With Kindness,

Ms. Raymond

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