June 8-12 Activities

Hello Division 14 Families,


I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I’m so thankful we were able to have a sunny weekend before the week of rain ahead. It is exciting to see some parks and playgrounds are opening up again and I hope that you are able to get outside and safely enjoy this new phase of reopening.

I can’t believe we are nearing the end of the school year already. I know I’ve said it a few times already but I want to thank you again for all the hard work and efforts you are putting in at home. June can be a challenge for kids to stay motivated and they are about ready for a break. This week Ms. Tam has prepared some fun STEM activities to do at home which I hope will keep students interested and motivated. The best learning happens when kids are curious!

You may have noticed that I have assigned a few books to the class on Epic. These books are not required but are recommended. Normally in the classroom, I try to include activities and literature that is relevant and responsive to what is happening in our communities and in the world around us. Right now, (and always) that means having age-appropriate conversations about diversity, inclusion, and racism. Below is a link to books that celebrate and explore these topics/issues for a variety of age groups.

Epic Books- A safe place to explore all voices

This week I need everyone to complete this core competency activity for reporting. In the third term, students must complete a core competency reflection. Please return it to me by Friday June 12. 

** core competency self assessment June **

Here are the activities for the week! We will have our zoom meeting on Friday at 11 AM. Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or if you feel you need to check in! I miss seeing the kids and checking in with parents at drop off.

June 8 – 12 Activities

For families that will be attending school this week, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and has rain boots as we will be spending time in the creek beside the school!

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and for the rest of the class I can’t wait to see you Friday on Zoom!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond

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