April 26-May 1 Activities

Hello Families of Division 14,


Here is the plan for this week!



This week on Wednesday or Friday please work on our inquiry activity.


  1. Visit our Padlet on the Inquiry page. Add your ideas to our jobs in the community.
  2. Select a job you would like to explore more.
  3. Using Epic!, find a book about a job in the community and record what you learn, just like a researcher. Some things you might think about recording include.
    • The job title
    • Draw a picture of a person in uniform or doing that job or dress up like them and take a photo!
    • What is their role in the community?
    • What is important about what they do? (you can think about what would happen if we didn’t have someone that does that job).
    • Where do they work? (i.e. school, hospital, nursing home, office, parks, airport etc.)
  4. A great way to record this information is to create
    • a pic collage (It is a free app that you don’t need an account for. It can be downloaded onto a phone or ipad)
    • a poster (big or small)
  5. Send it to me via email or share on Fresh Grade. I will share them on our password protected page for classmates to see. Please let me know if you are not okay with this. If your child’s face is in the picture I will blur/cover their faces before it is shared.

This is not meant to be a big fancy poster but a fun way to share students learning with each other. It can just be a blank piece of paper with a picture and some point form of them answering the questions provided above. Students can even send a voice recording of what they learned if they like.

Please send me an email if you have any questions or are curious about how something works. I’m here to help!


Tuesday, April 27

Journal: Draw a picture and write one sentence (or more if you like) about something you did this weekend. Don’t forget to include detail in your photo and add lots of colour. Share it with me.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘W’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Find What’s Missing? (Source: mathlearningcenter.org)



Wednesday, April 21

Inquiry: Work on the inquiry activity listed above.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘Q’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Making 5-sum-Memory card game


  • Create a deck from 4 ones or aces, 4 twos, 4 three, and 4 fours.


  • Deal out the cards face down.
  • Players take turns turning two cards face up.
    If a player turns a pair upward and that pair sums to 5, the player puts that pair of cards in their stash and plays again.
  • If the upward pair does not sum to 5, the player turns the cards back face down, and the next player moves.
  • The game ends when the cards are all claimed. Whoever has the most cards wins.


Thursday, April 23

Think Outside the Box Thursday

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘R’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

Math: Making 10 using different combinations of numbers. Use the PDF provided.

Making 10


Friday, April 24

Video Conference: Friday at 11:00 AM we will do another class video call.

Inquiry: Continue to finish this weeks inquiry activity.

Letter Hunt: Find 5 items that start with the letter ‘L’ draw and label them.

Read: Fill out another square of your bingo!

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