June 22-24 Activities

Hello Families of Division 14,

This will be our last week of online learning! Which I am sure is a huge relief all around (let out that sigh and give yourself a pat on the back). We did it! Thank you families for being flexible, patient, and kind as we navigated through these challenging times. Thank you for the hard work that you have been doing at home and thank you for communicating and sharing your child’s learning. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to teach your children, each of them brought something so special and unique to our classroom community and I am going to miss that next year.

This week there are just a few activities. I have shared a lot of books on Epic! for your children to explore this week and over the summer. Epic! will continue to be free to use over the summer, so please keep reading whenever you can! It is so important to make time for at least 20 mins a day. Since April 1, our class has read over 3000 books on Epic! SO incredible!!

June 22-June 25

Please remember to pick up report cards and student belongings this week on Tuesday after school 3:15-4:00 pm (please let me know if you are coming during this time) and Wednesday between 8:30 am-3:30 pm (Please not during lunch). When you come please also return your child’s portfolio binder as I will be reusing them next year. You can keep the work that was inside it. If you have not returned library books or classroom books that were borrowed before spring break please also return those when you come.

I hope you all had a lovely Father’s day and found time to acknowledge Indigenous People’s day. Enjoy this weeks activities and I look forward to seeing each of you at some point this week!


With kindness,

Ms. Raymond