Category Archives: Uncategorized

What are we thankful for?

This week we reflected on the many things we are grateful for. It was amazing to read their thoughtful responses to the question. Family was a big piece of their writing. The children have all brought a copy of their … Continue reading

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Autumn Air!

We got inspired by the beautiful Autumn Air and created art and poems that represent our ideas and feelings about this time of year. 

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Words Their Way

This year we will be using the Words Their Way program, as part of our Literacy development. Students will be working in small groups on the stage of phonic development that they are in. Each day students take part in … Continue reading

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Water Works!

Today we started our focus on Water, by seeing what we already know about water and the water system. The children were excited to share their responses. Here are some of their responses: “Water is healthy for us.” “We have … Continue reading

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Orange Shirt Day

Yesterday we had some time to discuss and reflect on why we acknowledge Orange Shirt Day. It was amazing to hear their thoughtful conversations and insights. The children wrote about the many reasons they love and appreciate our school community. … Continue reading

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Terry Fox

This week we have been immersed in activities and discussions about Terry Fox. His story shines a light on the importance to persevere and keep going! We have been making connections to Terry Fox`s story and how he modelled a … Continue reading

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Wellness Wednesdays!

This year we will be taking part in Wellness Wednesday activities. Together we are learning on the importance to take care of our minds and bodies by finding time to focus on our breathing. Each Wednesday we will join some other … Continue reading

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Creating our own increasing and decreasing patterns!

Today we focused on increasing and decreasing patterns. We used different math manipulatives and materials to share our learning.  Questions we asked ourselves: What is the pattern rule? What does it start with? What does it grow by? What are … Continue reading

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Celebrating our wonderful wrinkles!

We started our school year by focusing on the Growth Mindset way of learning by celebrating our mistakes, and learning from them. The children got to visit different classrooms and partake in activities that allowed them to practice this way … Continue reading

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Welcome to our blog site!

Hello Division 7 families,  Welcome to our very own blog page, where we will share our  learning journey with you! We are excited to learn and grow together, and we look forward to making wonderful memories together! Cheers, -Ms. Pastora, … Continue reading

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