Monthly Archives: January 2021

Our Book Recommendations!

Our class is excited to take part in all the fun activities planned for Literacy Week at Buckingham. To jump-start our week we all chose a favourite book to recommend to the rest of the school. The children did a … Continue reading

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Exploring the trees found in our community!

We took our learning outside and talked about the different trees found around our community. We discovered that we have many cedar trees around us. Ms. Carson (our teacher-librarian), talked to us about the many special characteristics the cedar tree … Continue reading

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Black Shirt Day

Today we joined our school district and school by wearing a black shirt. Together we acknowledge how important is to keep reminding the world of how important it is to love and respect each other, no matter our race or … Continue reading

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National Geographics for Kids

We had a successful day of logging on to our school laptops all by ourselves. Our task was to go on to Google to find the National Geographics for Kids websites. We got a chance to explore the website and … Continue reading

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Coding fun!

We have enjoyed taking part in activities that help us learn about Coding and the many fun ways it ties into Math and our Core Competencies. Division 7 students continue to build on their Digital Citizenship. Here is a link … Continue reading

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Our Bridge Challenge

Division 7 students had fun taking part in our Bridge Challenge. Each group got a certain amount of items to build a bridge structure that would hold a toy car. It was amazing to see the teamwork and communication that … Continue reading

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Peace feels like…

Division 7 students used their creative thinking skills and 5 senses to create beautiful poems about what peace means to them. Here are some beautiful examples: “Peace smells like nature and the beautiful mountains.” “Peace is like my mom’s hugs.” … Continue reading

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