It’s Back Again… Birth Tourism, Round 2!

So my students wrote about this topic last year and luckily for you (insert a Kenrich groan, a Frederick comment, a Milica “WHAT!” a Tiya “noooo,” a Daniel “ooof!” and finished off with an Amelia, “Naniiiii!”  I’m sure Hanna is probably thinking about what to say… and Lim, Mark & Arnav might use this chance to do their quick dance! 

So here we go! 

Yet again, this is another controversial topic which asks for the thoughts of you – and only you! 

There is something that is continuing to happen a lot in our province happening in our province that has been stirring up a lot of hullabaloo. (I’m using this work because Lyiam, Brodie and Rohan from last year loved this word!) Have you ever heard of ‘birth tourism?’ Birth Tourism is when women travel to another country so that they can give birth to their baby in that country and gain citizenship. Example: If you were from Chocolatopia and came to Canada to have your child, they would automatically be Canadian not Chocolatopian anymore. Just to clarify, these women are NOT Canadian citizens. They come to Canada to purposefully have their child born here. 

Image result for birth tourismWell, why do people do this? If you are from a country that is less socio-economically developed (remember, we don’t use words like First World or Third World anymore!), why not have your child born in a country that will give them better living conditions? In fact, this child will get free public schooling, healthcare, other aid and eventually be able to sponsor their parents. This means that their parents can eventually become Canadian too. Sounds good, This is what some people are starting to think and are travelling to countries, especially: Hong Kong, the United States and Canada (top three for birth tourism).                                                          

Why do these women travel to these countries? Well nations like the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Tanzania and Fiji offer unconditional birthright citizenship. This means that if you are born in one of the above countries, you are now a citizen of that country.                               

To prevent birth tourism, countries like South Africa, New Zealand, France, Germany and the United Kingdom all have birthright citizenship with restrictions – that is, one parent must be a citizen of that country.  Interestingly, India is one of the only nations that does not have birthright citizenship because of its large population.                         

What has come up now is that the number of non-Canadian women that are having babies in Canada is MUCH higher than what is recorded. For example, in 2016, 313 non-resident Canadian women said that they had their children here when in fact, 3,200 babies was more of a correct number. 

Now think about it for a second. You know that your child could have a successful life if he/she/they were Canadian, wouldn’t you want to help your child in any way you could? But let’s also think about people who are trying to immigrate to Canada and have to wait so long to be reunited with their family or come here with their family. They have to go through lots of detailed paperwork and scans? How is it fair to them ?

You can read more on this article here:

So of course, it is time for you to weigh in. What are your thoughts about this issue? Do you agree or disagree with birth tourism, and why? Do you think that it is a big deal or is the media / government making us feel that it is? Please provide detailed responses of 15 (grade 5) – 20 (grade 6) sentences.     

49 thoughts on “It’s Back Again… Birth Tourism, Round 2!

  1. kevin48 says:

    YES IM FIRST! 😀 😁 😂 🤣 😃 😄 😅 😆 😉 😊 😋 😎 😍 😘 🥰 😗 😙 😚 ☺️ 🙂 🤗 🤩 🤔 🤨 😐 😑 😶 🙄 😏 😣 😥 😮 🤐 😯 😪 😫 😴 😌 😛 😜 😝 🤤 😒 😓 😔 😕 🙃 🤑 😲 ☹️ 🙁 😖 😞 😟 😤 😢 😭 😦 😧 😨 😩 🤯 😬 😰 😱 🥵 🥶 😳 🤪 😵 😡 😠 🤬 😷 🤒 🤕 🤢 🤮 🤧 😇 🤠 🤡 🥳 🥴 🥺 🤥 🤫 🤭 😈 👿 👹 👺 💀 👻 👽 🤖 💩 😺 😸 😹 😻 😼 😽 🙀 😿 😾

  2. harry17 says:

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    • daniel166 says:


  3. tiya1 says:

    Here are some thoughts and feelings about this this issue. (Good and Bad)
    I think that it is very good for the families that are coming here because mostly in every country they have to pay for everything. For example pregnant ladies come here because the health care is free, the schools are free.For also in some countries like India some of the poor people don’t even get water. 🙁 🙁 Countries like Canada also have very low prices.
    I also think that it is very bad that those ladies come here without doing all the paper work that all other people have to do. Also they are kind of lying to the GOVERNMENT because they are saying that they are going for vacation but actually they are going forever. Another thing is that the parents should not be getting passports made by there children because they are CANADIAN. It is not fair.

  4. hanaa1 says:

    See, as Ms. Panesar has said, I think this is really unfair to the immigrants that have to go through a really long process, just to get into the country. These women basically skip the line. I came from South Africa where it’s not safe and the country is not doing so well economically, so my parents decided that they wanted a better life for their children so we moved here. The whole process took two years, and my parents had to take many tests, contribute a lot of money and leave my family. Whereas these women just come, as if they are coming on vacation. Then they have their children here, who get full rights of a Canadian citizen. Not only could this cause overpopulation for Canada, but also we have no idea who we are letting in the country to have babies and soon gain Canadian citizenship. What are the odds? Are we letting murders and assassins into our country?

  5. beatrice7 says:

    Hmmm…. about this topic… I’m honestly not sure. I think birth tourism is right AND wrong. Let me start with why it is right. I think that birth tourism is right because women probably women suffer in that country. Imagine if you were one of those pregnant women. Probably the country that you live in, say Chocolatopia, is a country that often uses child labour, or the air in that country is polluted. You want your child be healthy and treated properly. You move to Canada because you want your child to live a happy life. You want your child be a citizen in Canada so that they have a good education and not suffer the hardships of living in Chocolatopia. They need somebody so that they can live in Canada through somebody else. Now for the wrong side. When you want to become a citizen of Canada, you have to sign tons of paperwork that takes two years to fill out while the pregnant women just slide in, give birth, and enjoy life. It isn’t fair that the non-pregnant women have to sign two years of paperwork and the pregnant women get to have their child become a citizen just because the are in Canada. But at the same time, the women are struggling because they are pregnant, and they just came from a country in a bad condition. I think it is a big deal. I get why some people are annoyed that the pregnant women are going to “hotel-houses” to give birth, but I think they are being insensitive. Im not done.

  6. kenrich1 says:

    I think that it is OK and not OK to do Birth tourism here is why. So firstly what is birth tourism? Well it is when a mother gives birth to a child and they automatically get a Canadian passport. So I will tell you why birth tourism is OK. First Most women hospital is not good and they really want to move to Canada to receive better treatment. They might really want free schools, Better food, Great jobs and more so that they can live a better life from you know their country. Plus most country’s don’t really have babes so it makes sense. Now I will tell you why it is NOT OK. First adults will probably fill up lots of space and it will be really annoying to get around. Sometimes when you are like in a hospital, you can get squished and/or annoyed about getting around this hospital (Which I hope you don’t.) One more thing when you like really see lots of women you can think “Why is their so many pregment women’s” and that is just wrong. Well that is my opinion about BIRTH TOURISM (I don’t know why I did that lol) so what is your opinion on Birth tourism

    • kenrich1 says:

      (continued)I think that it is OK and not OK to do Birth tourism here is why. So firstly what is birth tourism? Well it is when a mother gives birth to a child and they automatically get a Canadian passport. So I will tell you why birth tourism is OK. First Most women hospital is not good and they really want to move to Canada to receive better treatment. They might really want free schools, Better food, Great jobs and more so that they can live a better life from you know their country. Plus most country’s don’t really have babes so it makes sense. Now I will tell you why it is NOT OK. First adults will probably fill up lots of space and it will be really annoying to get around. Sometimes when you are like in a hospital, you can get squished and/or annoyed about getting around this hospital (Which I hope you don’t.) One more thing when you like really see lots of women you can think “Why is their so many pregment women’s” and that is just wrong. it could also be a threat because some people think british toursim is racist and women will get upset. Well that is my opinion about BIRTH TOURISM (I don’t know why I did that lol) so what is your opinion on Birth tourism

  7. arnav1 says:

    if i was to decide to agree about birth tourism or not agree i would not agree heres why. it is wrong for example your parents were born in snow land and they wanna go to Canada not for vacation just for giving birth so the kid and the mom can have a Canadian passport because they dont like there own country. they pathetic thing is that know days people have to wait months to fill all the paper work and get to a different country mostly like 2-5 years and they pregent mom’s can be like see ya suckers and just walk past without even waiting one bit. Even worst you might think they will just be living on the streets who cares but that not true they put you in this hotel for pregent woman till your baby’s come out. usually you have to pay for tickets but the pregnant ladies just go for FREE LIKE FREE WHAT THE @#$%. i dont agree one bit to this birth tourism thingy so far of what i learned i hate everything about it .

  8. amelia15 says:

    I feel that i don’t really agree with this because the non Canadian mother givers birth purposely in Canada just to get things like education, and health care, (etc ) for free? We don’t really pay for schooling here but i think it’s annoying that the pregnant t women are coming to Canada just to deliver their baby and make them Canadian to have a short cut to pay for free schooling. When maybe in their country or where ever they live maybe has to pay double the amount. well yes, its definitely shorter and cheaper but its not so fair. Why are the parents or mother live there in the first place? Some people have to right years worth of papers and bills? When the pregnant mother has to skip that years worth of filling in papers like that ins’t fair! Even though school here is free for university you have to pay and maybe where they live they have to pay 3-4 times the amount we have to pay. which i can understand that you can save money, but why do u live there in the first place?? like really bruh.

    • amelia15 says:

      I feel that i don’t really agree with this because the non Canadian mother givers birth purposely in Canada just to get things like education, and health care, (etc ) for free? We don’t really pay for schooling here but i think it’s annoying that the pregnant t women are coming to Canada just to deliver their baby and make them Canadian to have a short cut to pay for free schooling. When maybe in their country or where ever they live maybe has to pay double the amount. well yes, its definitely shorter and cheaper but its not so fair. Why are the parents or mother live there in the first place? Some people have to right years worth of papers and bills? When the pregnant mother has to skip that years worth of filling in papers like that ins’t fair! Even though school here is free for university you have to pay and maybe where they live they have to pay 3-4 times the amount we have to pay. which i can understand that you can save money, but why do u live there in the first place?? like really bruh. And another thing that i was wondering about was if you where going to pay a double amont of things, then why would you live there in the first place?

  9. mark28 says:

    Birth tourism

    Their is a good part in birth tourism and a bad one. Let’s start with the bad one.
    The bad bad part about it is that when the pregnant women come in they
    The bad bad part about it is that when the pregnant women come in they just come to Canada without a word.
    They just go and buy a home without filling in a tonnnn of papers. And also they are just coming to an other countrie to live. I totally think that that is definitely wrong. Go and stay in your own country if you want to do birth tourism. Justin Trudeau can you listen to me and if youre reading this can you please change the law about birth tourism.
    Okay lets get into the good part now………. Hmm mm, nothing is really good about birth tourism. A-ha I know what is good about birth tourism. It is good for the people who do birth tourism but not at all for the Canadians. So for the birth tourists the good part is that their kid is Canadian. and if their kid is canadian then so are they. and if their kid is canadian then they can get clean tap water. Also they can get free education and learning skills.

    so thats what I think about birth tourism. it isn’t really fair for everyone else who is a canadian citizen. bye bye my people.

  10. mark28 says:

    Birth tourism

    Their is a good part in birth tourism and a bad one. Let’s start with the bad one.
    The bad bad part about it is that when the pregnant women come in they
    just come to Canada without a word.
    They just go and buy a home without filling in a tonnnn of papers. And also they are just coming to an other countrie to live. I totally think that that is definitely wrong. Go and stay in your own country if you want to do birth tourism. Justin Trudeau can you listen to me and if youre reading this can you please change the law about birth tourism.
    Okay lets get into the good part now………. Hmm mm, nothing is really good about birth tourism. A-ha I know what is good about birth tourism. It is good for the people who do birth tourism but not at all for the Canadians. So for the birth tourists the good part is that their kid is Canadian. and if their kid is canadian then so are they. and if their kid is canadian then they can get clean tap water. Also they can get free education and learning skills.

    so thats what I think about birth tourism. it isn’t really fair for everyone else who is a canadian citizen. bye bye my people.

  11. tamara4 says:

    this is something that we all need to take in a manor that is not racist. so lets gets started! in 2012 there was 699 babies born, in 2016 there was 313. how dose that make you feel good or bad. well this is time for my talk on how i feel and i might be talking against almost all the trump supporters, but this is a time for me to say what is bad in the way as against the law. i think that this is something that is not OK. but us saying that all of the mothers that are doing this is also bad . and this is not making anything better we are not making the world better. yes, this is bad but they are not bad or mean people this is just a good chance to get a better life and some places do not have this type of security

    not done

  12. yang1 says:

    My thoughts on birth tourism.

    Well, there’s obviously two sides to this, the defenders and the offenders. Each have individual reasons on why we should side with them. This was a tough decision, but I will break down my opinions on each of the two sides and i will share with you my final opinion..

    The Offenders.
    Not all of the woman who choose to do this have the worse reasons on why. For example, if the family was suffering from the events that had happened to them back in the country, wars, starvation or colonialism that do have some valid reasons on why they are travelling to these few specific places for birth. Most of them just to raise their children in a better environment. But, that isn’t the reason why its hated by many people. It’s the amount of people who do it just for the amount of freedom that changes the outlook on the families who just try and do this just to get a better life. Sure, they can stay but there has to be a lot more operations to go through in order for them to be able to do this. Maybe extra fines or fees to the mothers who have been discovered to be abusing the features that Canada gives us. The only problem with this though, is that I don’t want it to apply to every family, because some of them have really good reasons on why. It’s a tough decision to be completely honest. Sacrificing so much, only to punish the ones who abuse the power. Though, I will say that it annoys me that there aren’t any limitations to how easily mothers are to be able to do this.\

    The Defenders.
    The defenders are the ones who fight back on the issue that is happening. There are completely right that the shouldn’t all be able to do this because, it is completely unfair that other families who are still trying to immigrate to these places. Like, the mothers who travel to places like these just to get the features that they show is unacceptable for many reasons. Being able to access the water supply, or many of the other supplies for free?! It’s just a waste if of materials that again is limited. Although, I have to admit even though not all of the families that come to give birth are completely unacceptable, they still have to have limitations.

    Final decision
    I have made my final decision. Even though the families who do it aren’t completely filled with the dirtiest of deeds, I still think that it is unacceptable to let them through without any sort of paperwork, and mainly because it is completely unfair to immigrants like myself and others. I wouldn’t consider it a HUGE deal in this world, nor would I call the people who are going against the topic racist.

  13. reilly2 says:

    I think that this is sad and bad at the same time. One sad thing about it is that maybe the women come from a bad country so the child might have a bad life. But a bad thing about it is maybe the women might have a criminal record so we might let in a murderers. Another bad thing is that countries that have birth tourism might have over population so there are going to be to many people. Another thing about over population for birth tourism many people will go hungry because there might be no food in the stores. Another sad thing is that some people will take years to get into Canada but the people who take babies into Canada so the come in with out doing anything. Something bad is Canadian citizens have free summer school so people the babies that were born in canada will get free stuff i will edit

  14. dennis7 says:

    I think that woman should not come to Canada just to have a baby! It’s like I just walked in a 5 star hotel and didn’t get kicked out but some homeless man did. All the people in the world that

  15. mark28 says:

    Birth tourism
    Their is a good part in birth tourism and a bad one. Let’s start with the bad one.
    The bad bad part about it is that when the pregnant women just come to Canada without a word.
    They just go and buy a home without filling in a tonne of papers. And also they are just coming to an other countrie to live. I totally think that that is definitely wrong. Go and stay in your own country if you want to do birth tourism (I am not trying to be racist or something about people who travel to Canada or america from a totally different countrie).. Justin Trudeau can you listen to me and if you’re reading this can you please change the law about birth tourism. Buy the way I heard that some people call birth tourism: “Anchor Baby…” My comments on that discovery are that Okay let’s get into the good part now………. Hmm mm, nothing is really good about birth tourism. A-ha I know what is good about birth tourism. It is good for the people who do birth tourism but not at all for the Canadians. So for the birth tourists the good part is that their kid is Canadian. and if their kid is Canadian then so are they. And if their kid is Canadian then they access to public schooling, healthcare, sponsorship for the parents in the future.
    so that is what I think about birth tourism. it isn’t really fair for everyone else who is a Canadian citizen. bye bye my people.

  16. reilly2 says:

    I have mixed I don’t know if it is good or bad but here is what I think. One thing about it is that maybe the women come from a bad country so the child might have a bad life. a thing about it is maybe the women might have a criminal record so we might let in a people who were in jail and might do it again. Another thing is that countries that have birth tourism might have over population so there are going to be to many people. Another thing about over population for birth tourism many people will go hungry because there might be no food in the more thing is that some people will take years to get into Canada but the people who take babies into Canada so the come in with out doing anything. another thing is Canadian citizens have free summer school so people the babies that were born in canada will get free education in elementary school and high school but some places you have to pay for school. If we stop this then many people will get mad and not go to our country and say it might be bad. But if we do not ban birth tourism then a lot of people will come to this country so many people will come in then many people will come here so they would have to ban this. I think Canada should not ban this but they should put rules so they would have to do things to get to Canada. I think this is a kind of a big deal because of my reasons.I also think the media is over exaggerating because some news channels might have fake news. I think the government could be pressuring us and they might be the same reasons as me. If I was a parent I would do this because I would want the best for my child. These are my thoughts on birth tourism.

  17. amra1 says:

    Today I’ll be telling if birth tourism is a big deal or not and do I disagree or I agree;)

    I think that this isn’t really a big deal because maybe those mothers in their country doesn’t have enough water and food and maybe their house is really fragile, so the country they should get birth in Canada because in Canada we have great stores to buy for your baby, great clothes, good deals/prices , good food, and we have lots of water that are really fresh, but they first have to get a Canadian passport. But now in 2018 in Canada, the prices are low now, so you know what that means, the more low it is the lower people would fly out of Canada and there would be less more people. But what I think is that ladies/ women’s should still go to Canada because the more people there are in Canada, the more prices are going to be higher and as I said before, maybe their country don’t have enough food and water and maybe their house is really fragile, so they should go to US or Canada, they really should because lets say that their families are poor, the ladies and their husbands can come to US or Canada and when they deliver their baby there, they can get Canadian/ US passports for their families and when they arrive to them, their families can go there either Canada or US and they won’t be desperate anymore! They’ll eat delicious food and water instead of drinking and eating dirty food and water from their country (not to be rude). Just to let you know that doing this is actually too early for us to learn, but it’s fine, if Ms. Panesar wants us to learn about this, then ok, but anyway, on my mind I am thinking that why are these women want to deliver their baby in some kind of country they want to deliver their baby in and do that on purposely? I mean, seriously. Even I wouldn’t do that, I would just deliver my baby here in Canada, nowhere else. But anyway, in result I agree for birth tourism, I just disagree with how ladies want to go to a country and deliver their baby there on purpose. So I am both.

  18. jeron1 says:

    I think that is very wrong that people get free stuff for traveling. I cannot believe they could do this
    with out getting caught, why can’t they not get caught, I mean seriously. if the prime minister could ban this without getting destroyed by people. I just want to ban this,maybe. This is just not fair, it’s like about two years of documents,but if you give birth there it takes one day, I think. Well some one needs to to stop this madness, either you get wrecked by your people, by trying to ban this birth tourist, but save the country or don’t do anything and you lose a lot of money for giving free stuff to people that barge in. I mean how, how can’t they get caught by doing this. This should be a great law for women, not to get free stuff by giving birth here. And it is not only here it is in the United States and a lot more. Lucky for the country’s that have to deny all the birth tourists. See we should do that,too, so we can save some money. It’s like they are stealing from us bit by bit. We have to go through so much and the chance of getting denied is VERY BIG and those same people just need to give birth here and they are qualified. The government only takes the hard workers, like very hard workers and they have just one thing to do,so they are the lazy people. This is really a thing that should be banned. Now in days it takes four years to get here and they take one minute of nothingness. Some one needs to stop this, really. How does this even exists even now.

  19. dennis7 says:

    I think that woman should not come to Canada just to have a baby! It’s like I just walked in a 5 star hotel and didn’t get kicked out but some homeless man did. All the people in the world that are doing these paperwork work to get in while there are moms that can come and live a life without any paperwork. I know that the kids need a better life but there is no way they should come in without years of paperwork. What I don’t get is how I one stands up for things like this, but like I said more people think that the kids are more important which is still ok. If people didn’t have come to Canada then they had no where to go so maybe it’s right for them to come. So I guess I’m kind of in the middle of things because they’re both important. Kids need to come to a more developed country like Canada but at the same time people that are coming in still need to come in because of their paperwork they have filled in. but I don’t like how the parents take advantage of their kids to make them be born in Canada or America just so they can have a better way of life. it’s not my choice so I hope maybe the community or the government sorts things out because I’m not really part of this! anyways Ms. Panesar if anything else happens and please tell me if it’s something on the news in my and please reply back to me because that would be helpful because I really want to know whats going on. I hope something good comes out of what’s going on, and the government or the people work something out. hopefully the people that are coming to Canada or actually coming in and the people that wants that have a baby in Canada not be denied access. So so if this happens again please tell me because I really want to laugh in your next year’s classes faces. I guess that’s everything I covered all the things I wanted to say so all I have to say is bye!!!

  20. hanaa1 says:

    So on the other hand, some countries are in a really bad state. There is war or they are doing badly economically. I can’t blame a mother for wanting safety for her child, but it’s not fair to people who have to wait very long and pay money to get into the country. So many people in other countries wish to have the freedom, safety and rights as we have in Canada. I think that only certain people should get the privilege to come to Canada and have children. Refugees from countries like Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc. should be able to come and start a new life for their families. People from well-developed countries like Germany, France, Chile, their countries can support them and they don’t need to come to Canada.

  21. tiya1 says:

    Here are some thoughts and feelings about this issue. (Good and Bad)
    I think that it is good for the families that are coming here because mostly in every country they have to pay for everything. For example, pregnant ladies come here because the health care is free and all the yearly health checkups are necessary to get every year for free. As in some countries you have to pay to have a child in a hospital and for everything. Some other qualities that Canada has is that all summer school programs and schools are free. As in some national school, you have to pay about 800 dollars to be in those schools and I said about. Also in some countries like India, some of the poor people don’t even get water so, I understand why people want to come here. :(:( Countries like Canada also have very low prices. for things that you need in life. It is also good for them because their child can have a successful life that maybe they did not have would not like their children to go through that.
    I also think that it is very bad that those ladies come here without doing all the paperwork that all other people have to do. Also, they are kind of lying to the GOVERNMENT because they are saying that they are going on vacation but actually they are going forever. It is not fair. The woman that come here to give babies are put in a house with some other woman that are pregnant in one home in a neighborhood. But the problem with that is that the neighbors don’t know who is living in the neighborhood! Also when those ladies arfe coming from other countries people do not know what their background is because they could be murderers !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I think that is a big deal because it is not safe for us but it is good for them. But I am definitely on the side of not safe.
    In conclusion, I think that Birth tourism is kind of good and bad because more people get better
    lives and it is not safe for over country!

  22. bernice4 says:

    Today I will tell you a few good reasons for not banning birth tourism. The first reason is because if the country that the mother is coming from is not really developed (no offense) then the child should have the right to be born in a better place. The second reason is because if we (canadians) give birth tourism rights won’t more people think that we are kind and willing to give things to the people that need the things? That way more people will think that Canadians are kind and caring and that Canada is a generous place and a good place to live in. These are the only good reasons that I can think of for not banning birth tourism.Now I will tell you the reasons for banning birth tourism.The first reason is just because these people are living in a poor country or whatever they don’t just get to skip through the paperwork and get into Canada or wherever ahead of others.Some people (like Hanna’s family) spent years trying to get into another place.I don’t think that Women about to give birth have the rights to look over their shoulders at the other people and say, “see you later” and skip all that paperwork, I really don’t think that it is fair. The second reason is that if everybody that is giving birth (birth tourism) that is coming to Canada in the future is accepted to Canada then it might get over crowded and to many people will be living in Canada.The third reason is because the mother of the child that is being born is automatically a citizen of the place the are in and that is not fair because other people don’t get passports immediately.Why do the mothers having the children get passports immediately then? They are not even real citizens.(UNFAIR)Now that you know all these reasons I want you to hear my opinion.I think that we should ban birth tourism because of a few reasons.Reason number one: I have already said this but it is UNFAIR!!!Reason number two: overpopulation, look at Metrotown and how crowded it already is.Can you imagine all of Canada that crowded?I can’t, so we should ban birth tourism before that happens.Anyways that is my opinion.Now I have some questions for you.What is your opinion on birth tourism?Why do you think that way (your reasons)?

  23. harry17 says:

    I think birth tourism is bad because if one country constantly having ladies going to another country one of those or both country’s would die away. Then there would be a lot of people getting things for free just because they wanted to go somewhere to have a baby! I mean if you were a mom and you were about to have a kid, of course, you would want to move somewhere that your kid would have a good education. Your kid would now have good living conditions but then there are still a lot of people coming and the country getting overpopulated will probably die away because they would have a FOOD SHORTAGE!!!!! Ahem, so we are getting close to the point here so currently a lot of people are moving to Richmond and people are complaining about no wait a second I see a Limmy Horse, but back to the topic people are complaining about ladies that get kids because they get to go to Canada and don’t have to spend hours trying to fill in stupid document!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please standby we are experiencing some technical difficulty’s here, doo do doooooo dodo. so if they let pregnant women in does that mean we can just stuff pillows in our stomachs and go to Hong Kong? So president why don’t build a wall and then make it so people can’t get in but then after doing that I suggest you hire the same amount of guards as Trump does. or you can just make it so there are no hotels that keep pregnant women in them. Last but not least no wait this might be the least but whatever. You can chop down trees and build factories to make Canada bad, umm, just bad, no again. What I am saying is that you at least have to do something because I am too lazy to shout at pregnant women and get put in jail for doing it. You should do something because if Canada gets overpopulated and people like Trump better than you, it really is not my problem.

  24. johnny4 says:

    I feel that it is not fair for the people that have been waiting for Canadian citizenship for many years like how Hanaa and her parents had to wait for many years (around 2 to be exact). It is also not fair because they do not have to do all the paperwork that you regularly have to do to gain citizenship.
    I feel that the government is not very accurate on its reports. I also feel that in some cases they are over exaggerating and under exaggerating the numbers of the amount of people that come here exclusively to have a child.
    I disagree with child tourism because of how you can skip all the channels that you have to go through to gain citizenship. That is not fair for the people that have been waiting in line for a long long time. It is like for example that there is a long line for ice cream and you have a special “thing” and then you can skip through the line to get some ice cream and that is not fair for everyone else in line for ice cream. It is the same thing for the line to get into Canada and gain citizenship to Canada.
    If I was a parent and lived in a less developed country,I might want my son/daughter to have a better life and try to get them citizenship to a more developed country like Canada where you get “free” (you still have to pay taxes for the free benefits) healthcare and education.I can understand the mindset of the parents a little. I think that they are thinking of how their child would live their childhood and adult life and that they hope that their children would have a better life and if their child had to stay in that country what would their childhood be like for them. I also feel that if their child had to be born in that country then their lives may no be very good and they might not get paid a lot and might have to do child labour to support their family and work long hours in bad conditions with little payment each month. Maybe that is why people do child tourism.
    I also sorta agree and disagree with on one hand some people are desperate and if they don’t then their child may have to do child labour and maybe the living conditions back home where they live are bad and the nearest accessible water is maybe kilometers away from there home,it is also bad that you discriminate all women from going on vacation just because they are pregnant and may be going to that country to have their child you cannot be going like oh , sorry you cannot go on vacation because you are pregnant and please aboard the next flight back to your country and leave,sorry to every pregnant women that is going on vacation to that country.But also on the other hand you cannot have people skipping all the application forms and the long wait to get citizenship and live in Canada,that is not fair for everybody that are waiting patiently for their citizenship.
    Overall there are strong reasons for both sides of the argument and I Feel that both sides have a good point.

  25. matthew88 says:

    ink that birth tourism is not a good thing because some people spend months or even years doing paperwork and filling out documents. Then there are people coming in to the country while being pregnant and then they become a Canadian citizen because they gave birth on there’re “vacation”
    then they leave the country as a Canadian citizen. I think the reason I don’t like it is because my grandpa was from England and he had to go through a very long process of going through documents and other stuff to become a citizen. While other people go to the country give birth and then become a citizen. But I can say that I kind of feel bad for them because there just going to try and find a better life but they still should talk to a border agent first. I think that the border agents should make the women fill out some documents at least to make sure that they are not a murderer or something. Well I feel that I may be a bit harsh but I dont know? I believe that border agents should probally make them do atleast one page of documents. They should put on the documents like how old are you or why you want to become a citizen. I mean if they can also put a lie detector on the person to make sure they are not lieing. Im not to sure if I will change my mind on this later in my life but for now I think its unfair. I think that the guy who said its not that ok probally should of thought before he said because he got a lot of back fire from people which is not that good if your a politictian because less people with you=bad. I do feel that some people might be harsh about the politictian because he could be recieving death threats. So yeah dont be harsh when somone says somthing that could insult you. So yeah please dont be offended on what I just typed I am just stating my opinion.

  26. tamara4 says:

    this is something that we all need to take in a manor that is not racist. so lets gets started!
    in 2012 there was 699 babies born, in 2016 there was 313. how dose that make you feel good or bad. well this is time for my talk on how i feel and i might be talking against almost all the trump supporters. but this is a time for me to say what is bad in the way as against the law. i think that this is something that is not OK. but us saying that all of the mothers that are doing this is also bad . and this is not making anything better we are not making the world better. yes, this is bad but they are not bad or mean people this is just a good chance to get a better life and some places do not have this type of security so they just come to this place with a hope in having a better life for their child. would you want a good life for you and your family? i would. these are not bad women there are just given a chance and they are taking it. if you could do this would you take it, because i would in a blink of an eye. also i think that Canada is given us to meany chances. so they are giving these things so all the other family’s are wanting it to. so they do anything to make them self in a better place. yes it is the last thing that you might do for your family but all they are doing is something that will make them have a better life for them. but it is bad. and for a matter of a fact i think that there are other things to be focused on.

  27. jemimah1 says:

    Unlike other topics before, I am really conflicted with all of this. They both have good points so it is hard to make a clear answer.
    On one hand, as Ms. Panesar said, it is a really good idea if you were from a horrible country with no rights to come to Canada. The kid would be able to live a good life without having to work and running around trying to get water or more food. They would even get to go to school and learn things that could benefit them in the future that they could have not learned. Not to mention that it would help the parents a lot as well. They wouldn’t have to pay for school or healthcare so the rest of the money could go to more important things like food or a house or even a way to become a citizen sooner the proper way. Birth tourism would help a lot of people in the end and would be the ideal way.

    But on the other hand, Birth Tourism would be one of the most unfair things in the whole world(with a bit of exaggerating). You see, with birth tourism, a lot of the mothers are skipping the whole background checking. so while a lot of families(like Hanna’s) are doing the papers and scans are waiting to be allowed to go to Canada as a legal citizen, they just skip all of it for free. I know what you are thinking,’ but Jemimah, what if they’re in a country that would make their kids work at an early age? Or a place that would be ideal to live at that moment? Wouldn’t you want them to move so they can live there best life?’ Well, let me ask you a question. What if someone was in that exact predicament? Because I bet that at the very least, one person is living that moment and is waiting to be able to go to a country like Canada. Just because there is a reason that they would do it doesn’t mean that there isn’t another person going through the same thing.

    So with everything laid out, I guess I would have to say that my mind is still not decided. It’s even both ways. It’s good since it makes sure that children get an as better life in a developed country. But at the same time, it’s unfair that they get to just skip the whole lineup to be a citizen. So all in all, I think that it is just better to agree to disagree.

  28. peiyi1 says:

    Birth tourism:
    Did you know that women’s travel to other country’s to get citizenship? Also to get better treatment in their lives . They also come to go to the hospital and to make their kids go to school for free and summer school for free. There is 699 babies that have non Canadian mothers that gave birth to their kid during 2012. But then there is also 313 non Canadian mothers who came here to give birth to their child in 2016. Canada and the U.S are two of the country’s that give automatic citizenship for people who are born on their soil. When the child grows up they can have the right of allowing their family members to be a citizen as well. Non like Australia and new Zealand will allow any body have the same treatment as long as that one of their family member is a citizen. The law of birth tourism got highly debated, with some politicians and citizens. I have actually have two opinion on this situation, well firstly I think it is bad cause they just budge in and start having their babies and they just don’t et it. Second of all I disagree because they don’t care they just come into this country and have their babies and they don’t even fill out any forms. Like what were they thinking that is not fair at all. But on the other side what if they just are low on money, they can not afford the price of it? also they might have went on a vacation and came here for fun but then they just had to give birth then what can you do about it? But I do think that this should stop and be gone forever.:)

  29. vincent31 says:

    Birth tourism
    I think it is ok as well as not ok. First, I will tell you it is ok.So it is ok if you are here and you were on vacation and you did not know you had a baby. Then you realized that you actually have a baby then I believe that is ok,but if you just come here on purpose to be a Canadian citizen and not work at all and just get the free education and heath that is not ok.At least if you become a Canadian citizen you got to work and pay the tax of free education and health . It is also not good because it has raised last year there were about 200 and it was supposed to drop ,but it raised .People are sometimes just not doing their work and just get the free education and healthcare. They have found more than3000 people not working and just getting the free stuff. Another reason it is not fair is because they do not have to fill in a lot of forms and it takes like 2 years.At least they make a rule that even if you have a baby in canda. You still have to fill in the fourms .It is just that you have a baby born in Canada you fill in the forms in Canada.Now lets go back to more of the good things.Kids that would be born here would get better educated because theparents do not have to worrie about their kids school fees.Also the Kids might even get a better chance of being susefull in life.Not like when you can not aford school and like not go to school for one month and go to school for one month.

  30. kevin48 says:

    Birth Tourism is bad because it is not fair to the other people coming from other countries to do paperwork and wait around 2 years just to step on Canada! So its a bad thing. But also it is a good thing too! For example if there is a country that has war and you don’t want your child to be in war so you go to another country but you can go through right away because you have a baby. You go through it so fast enemies don’t have time to track you down. It is also bad because people might be criminals/murders and pretend to be pregnant so they don’t have to do the security check up thing and get into the country. If they did it would be bad. The good part about the birth tourism is that the pregnant women don’t have to wait two years to finally go to Canada. When they finally get to Canada their baby is already born so its useless. Only the women can go and the men has to stay home. After the women has moved to Canada she might cheat on her old boyfriend and then find a new boyfriend in Canada. British Columbia is being fuelled by things like these. So in my opinion it’s a good thing because there really isn’t a lot of bad things about it. The only problem is that it is really unfair to the people who have to wait, and men who are far away from there children and might be struggling in something (war or something). So this is all I will write because I don’t know anything else to protest about (I’m not sure this is protesting).

    -Kevin Luo
    😀 😁 😂 🤣 😃 😄 😅 😆 😉 😊 😋 😎 😍 😘 🥰 😗 😙 😚 ☺️ 🙂 🤗 🤩 🤔 🤨 😐 😑 😶 🙄 😏 😣 😥 😮 🤐 😯 😪 😫 😴 😌 😛 😜 😝 🤤 😒 😓 😔 😕 🙃 🤑 😲 ☹️ 🙁 😖 😞 😟 😤 😢 😭 😦 😧 😨 😩 🤯 😬 😰 😱 🥵 🥶 😳 🤪 😵 😡 😠 🤬 😷 🤒 🤕 🤢 🤮 🤧 😇 🤠 🤡 🥳 🥴 🥺 🤥 🤫 🤭 🧐 🤓 😈 👿 👹 👺 💀 👻 👽 🤖 💩 😺 😸 😹 😻 😼 😽 🙀 😿 😾

  31. daniel166 says:

    I think it’s good and bad in the same way bad thing: it’s not fair! because the Canadians get free education while the rest have to pay soooooo much like uhhhhh Hanaa she said “you have to pay like $2000” Nah I’m not that sure. Good things: they get a Canadian passport and they get free education but not all the time aaaannnnndddd to have a better country IM NOT TRYING TO BE RACIST!!! I think its illegal JUST because they want to have a kid in Canada well not really illegal but kind of. JUST because they want a kid??? WHAT? it should be in countries like India they don’t care at all at least I hope so cuz I wasn’t really listening sry about that lol. I don’ttttt I’m running low on words thinking thinking think loading… 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%
    oh-oh, and I think it’s not fair. nvm, I already said that. its also kind of like u know um birth tourism is wrong! because they have to pay for the flight and they’ll have a hard time speaking English unless they know. this is totally wrong! Because the people there are getting disrespected you know. (ran out of words) It’s not fair for people since they didn’t have to line up, they can just pass through because they’re pregnant

  32. milica6 says:

    Hello, my name is Milica and today I will be telling you about something terrible( in my opinion) that has been happening for the last few days. Today I will be telling you fifteen facts and my thoughts and feelings on this eye catching topic. That topic is Birth Tourism, I hope you enjoy the few fun facts I have written down for you. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. There is a MP that lives in Richmond, Vancouver and his name is Joe Peschisolido and he disagrees with Birth Tourism. He disagrees with this topic because he knows that all of the pregnant women that do this are only doing this so that they’re child can get a passport and a citizenship to that country.

    2. Another reason why pregnant women are doing this is so that they could have a better life style and living space and area.

    3. In my opinion I think that most women are doing this because in some country’s child labour is still happening , and they want to prevent they’re kids from doing and going through that. Plus, if you have a specific passport or citizenship for a specific country, most of your child’s education is free.

    4. This topic is wrong in many different ways but the part that really ticks me off is that pregnant women don’t have to go through paperwork, but other people that are moving to that country are waiting in a huge lineup to do it and get it done. So that they can soon move to that country.

    5. These women are doing this so that they’re child can receive amazing benefits such as….. health care, dental care and even education. When the children become adults they can sponsor they’re parents to immigrate to Canada or whatever country the baby was born in.

    6. The two most likely country’s that someone would travel to, to give birth are Canada and America. Mainly because they are the two country’s that have the best health benefits, benefits in general and care packages.

    7. Around the world, there are over 190 recognized country’s , with it’s own set of they’re country’s own rights, laws and privileges of citizenship.

    8. Yes there are benefits, but there are also drawbacks for those who are born there. So it is not so perfect but people decide to do it anyway.

    9. But I think that what shocks me mostly out of this whole thing is that Birth Tourism is not illegal in Canada. That is because some people think that it is okay for Birth Tourism to happen.

    10. In my opinion I think that pregnancy is not a reason to not even admit that you are a tourist and that you are visiting that country. Because actually, you are going there so that you can give birth there just so that your baby could have benefits in that country.

    11. This is actually not the first time Birth Tourism has happened, this is the second time. It is so shocking because in 2016 over 313 babies were born in Canada to non- Canadian mothers. Shocking right?

    12. But even if you are born in Canada ( Let’s just say as a example) that does not automatically make you a Canadian citizen.

    13. Since they were born in Canada ( FOR EXAMPLE) they are now Canadian citizens. Even if they’re parents are not.

    14. The parent of the baby though, does not gain citizenship because her baby id being born in that country not her.

    15. Usually, the mother flies to that country by herself because she is the one giving birth and not the father. It is literally, physically impossible for a man to get pregnant.

    My thoughts and feelings: I think that this topic is very interesting and shocking. I am very confused because this is the first time I have ever really heard of Birth Tourism. Maybe it is a topic that probably does not come up a lot. Well, over all this topic makes me furious and I totally do not agree with topic. The main idea of why I do not agree with this topic is mainly because they are giving birth in a different country so that they’re child could have really good benefits in that country. Also, so that when the child grows up they could sponsor they’re parents to immigrate so Canada or whatever country the mother gave birth in. This topic just makes me want to scream. OMG!!!!! I hope you enjoyed my blog post on Birth Tourism!!!

    – Yours truly, Milica Pavlovic

  33. tamara4 says:

    this is something that we all need to take in a manor that is not racist. so lets gets started!
    in 2012 there was 699 babies born, in 2016 there was 313. how dose that make you feel good or bad. well this is time for my talk on how i feel and i might be talking against almost all the trump supporters. but this is a time for me to say what is bad in the way as against the law. i think that this is something that is not OK. but us saying that all of the mothers that are doing this is also bad . and this is not making anything better we are not making the world better. yes, this is bad but they are not bad or mean people this is just a good chance to get a better life and some places do not have this type of security so they just come to this place with a hope in having a better life for their child. would you want a good life for you and your family? i would. these are not bad women there are just given a chance and they are taking it. if you could do this would you take it, because i would in a blink of an eye. also i think that Canada is given us to meany chances. so they are giving these things so all the other family’s are wanting it to. so they do anything to make them self in a better place. yes it is the last thing that you might do for your family but all they are doing is something that will make them have a better life for them. but it is bad. and for a matter of a fact i think that there are other things to be focused on. but is this something that we to worry about? or is this some thing that we can benefit on more people more money that

  34. milica6 says:

    what’s up people. I am bored will anybody type back what their new yer’s resolution is for 2018????

    #Just curious 🙂 🙂 🙂

    – Milica Pavlovic :):):)

  35. daniel166 says:

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  36. daniel166 says:


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