The websites listed below are Educational Resources you can access at home. For the websites we use in class, some may require a username and password. Please refer to the Technology sheet going home shortly.
Educational Resources we use in class: (Coding account) *Please use google chrome* (Typing account) (online blogfolio) –> sign-in (one-drive and email; students can access their files from school (word doc, powerpoint, and their email)). OR Go to the Aubrey website, click direct links, click outlook, login.
Email login: (student # is the school computer username, and email password is school computer password). –> (Math/LA activities and games) They each have their own sign-in that was put in their homework folder or planner. –> (Kahoot games on various topics) They each have their own account. The username is their Microsoft email, and then their passwords are personalized. They will do some projects using this account.
During class I may send emails to the students which contain links to educational resources that we use for lessons and classroom activities. If these links are of any interest to you then please use their email to sign-in and check the links out!