
Pumpkin Explorations!

We spent some time exploring our “citrouilles” in class this week. We learned that pumpkins float and we worked together to count all of the seeds in our big pumpkin (there were 502)! 

Posted: October 27, 2021

Leaf Man

We enjoyed reading the book “Leaf Man” and decided to make our own leaf creations. We had lots of different animals and people created out of leaves we found. Check out some of our leaf creations!

Posted: October 14, 2021

Number Jellyfish

We have been having fun learning to count in French, and this week we made some Jellyfish and showed our counting skills up to 10.

Posted: September 22, 2021

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

After reading the book “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” we found and counted all of the letters in our names and made our own coconut trees. Can you find your name?

Posted: September 17, 2021

Bienvenue! Welcome to Kindergarten!

It was so nice meeting all of you over the last few days! I am looking forward to our year of Kindergarten together! We will be starting Gradual Entry on Thursday, September 9th, and will be in class full time beginning on the 20th from 8:45 – 2:45.

At some point in the next few weeks please send in a change of clothes and inside running shoes to be left at school.

School Supplies

In September each primary French Immersion and Kindergarten student will be charged $30 payable via School Cash Online, linked on Aubrey’s website.

We are so excited to have you at school for a fun year of learning together!

2020-2021 School Year

Les chenilles

Our caterpillars have grown quite big in the last week! We are counting down the days until they begin to form their chrysalides.

Posted: May 28, 2021

Les pommes de terre

We have been continuing to take care of our potato plants, and they are doing very well! Not very long to go until they are ready!

Posted: May 21, 2021

Les chenilles

Our caterpillars arrived this week, and we are very excited to watch them grow into butterflies!

Posted: May 20, 2021

Les pommes de terre

Our potatoes were moved outside today, where we will continue to care for them until they’re ready in June.

Posted: April 19, 2021

Bucket Filling

We have started learning about how to be a “Bucket Filler” in class, and what it means to be a kind friend. This is a story we had read to us by our school counsellor Mrs. Deane.


Posted: January 14, 2021

Self Portraits

We started learning the French vocabulary for our faces this week. “Les yeux” (eyes), “le nez” (nose), “la bouche” (mouth), “les oreilles” (ears). We used mirrors to help us draw a self portrait with sharpies!

“The Dot” Paintings

We read the story “The Dot” and it inspired us to do our own paintings. In the story, the teacher puts the girl’s picture in a gold frame, so we decided to make our own picture frames for our dot paintings to hang on the wall.

Posted: November 13, 2020

Remembrance Day Art

Leading up to Remembrance Day, we read a few stories and discussed what “La paix” (peace) looks like and feels like. Click on a photo to enlarge it.

Posted: November 11, 2020

Jack-o-lantern art

Check out our talking pumpkins!


Investigating “les citrouilles”

We had a great time this week learning about pumpkins! We made some guesses and then experimented to see if pumpkins float or sink, and we learned that they float!

Posted: October 30, 2020

Nature Patterns

This week we started learning about “les suites” (patterns). We are learning how to create simple repeating AB patterns, and how to identify the pattern rule. Here are some of the patterns we made with our loose parts we found in nature!

Posted: October 16, 2020


We talked lots about the many things we are thankful for in our lives, and what we want to say “merci” to the world for. Here is some of what Division 16 is thankful for:

Posted: October 12, 2020

Our Outdoor Explorations

Over the last few weeks we have been exploring using natural materials in our morning activities. We have been having fun practicing spelling our names and recognizing the names of our friends and have started using them in our math explorations!

Posted: October 7, 2020

This week in Division 16

So far at school we have been getting to know each other and our new routines. We have started learning how to count to 10 in French, we have been practicing printing our names and have had lots of time to explore our classroom toys and outside exploring our school grounds.

We did a fun directed drawing activity of “Forky” from Toy Story 4. I’m so proud of all of your pictures! We talked about trying our best and making it our own and they all turned out great! Can you find yours?

Posted: September 25, 2020


It was so nice meeting all of you over the last few days! I am looking forward to our year of Kindergarten together! We will be starting Gradual Entry on Monday, September 14th, and will be in class full time beginning on the 23rd from 8:45 – 2:45.

For school next week please send in a pencil, a pack of crayons and a change of clothes with inside running shoes to be left at school.

We can’t wait to have you at school for a fun year of learning together! Here are some photos of our classroom:

Posted: September 11, 2020

2019-2020 School Year

Last week of school

I can’t believe it’s the last week of Kindergarten! Report card pick up is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Please come to our class drop off door to pick up your child’s report card and portfolio.

Posted: June 19, 2020

Matthew did a wonderful job showing many ways to make 10. How many different ways can you make a number between 5-20?

Posted: June 4, 2020

Your “j’aime” sentences

It’s been great reading about all of the things that you like! Can you read your friends’ sentences?

Posted: May 27, 2020

Finding “les visages” (faces)

Where do you see faces around you? Here are some examples Mme Noble found while on a walk near Deer Lake.

Posted: May 25, 2020

Your self portraits!

Your self portraits are all so creative and well done! Check out what some of your friends made.

Posted: May 17, 2020

Les girafes – Our Zoom art session

Mme Noble had so much fun getting to do art with you all on Zoom! All of your “girafes” turned out great! Take a look at what your amis made!

Posted: May 14, 2020

Nature inspired art

After I went on a walk, I was inspired to paint some of the plants I saw. What do you see in nature that inspires you? What can you create?

Posted: May 13, 2020

“Voici” sentences

I’ve loved reading all of your sentences using “voici”. Take a look at what some of your classmates did! Can you read your friends’ sentences?

Posted: May 12, 2020

Self Portraits

Bonjour! This weekend Mme Noble enjoyed the beautiful weather and went for a ride on my “bicyclette”. What did you do? I stopped at the beach and made a self portrait! What could you use to make a picture of yourself?

Posted: May 11, 2020

Lego Challenge Pictures

It’s been awesome seeing what you all created with lego this week! I’m so impressed with all of your creations. Keep sending me pictures!

Anna built “une maison” that even has a little “bateau” on a lake.
Audrey’s got some great lego projects in progress
Ana built a house that has 2 floors!
Mila built un dragon!

Posted: May 8, 2020

Storytime with Ms. Hartman

Listen to our principal Ms. Hartman read “After the Fall”.


Posted: May 4, 2020

Lego Challenge

During our Zoom meetings this week David and Austin showed off what they’ve been building with lego at home. What can you build?

Austin built BB-8 out of lego. He said it took him over 8 hours!

David and his brothers built this cool airplane with some moving parts!

Posted: May 2, 2020

Math – Graphing

Last week Mme Noble challenged you to graph objects that you found in nature or in your home. It’s been wonderful to see some of your graphs! Take a look below at Madame’s example and some of your classmates graphs.

Tenley’s nature graph
Andrew’s graph of “voitures” (cars)

Posted: April 29, 2020

Name Building Challenge

This week I challenged you to build your name out of objects you found in nature or in your home. Here are some pictures of what you created!

Posted: April 24, 2020

Jour de la Terre! Happy Earth Day!

How are you celebrating Earth Day? Here are some art ideas!

Here’s a short French video about “le recyclage” (recycling)!


Posted: April 22, 2020

Package Info

I will be creating videos over the next few weeks explaining some of the things in the package, particularly the Alphabet Poems (on the coloured paper – may be tucked in the red folder). I have some specific activities in mind for that which will use the green exercise book as well.

  • I will have a video to show the kids what to do with the weather graph (we did one in the winter already, so they have an idea)
  • There are two small booklets, one for reading (Un parc), and one for writing/drawing (Le printemps). I will post videos for both.
  • Feel free to do the math sheets at your own pace, some of them are in French so I will post instructions next week for those of you who don’t speak French
  • Alphabet booklet can be done at your own pace, it should be straightforward (most of the French words are colours), but if you have any questions please email me and I’m happy to help out
  • The red folder has some alphabet colouring sheets at the back that can be done at any time

Posted: April 17, 2020

C’est le printemps! (It’s Spring time!)

One of your challenges was to look for signs of “le printemps” outside. Here are some pictures of what Mme Noble found outside. What did you find?

Posted: April 6, 2020

Bonjour les amis!

I’m not sure what the next few weeks will look like – but so that you are able to keep busy during the day can you try to do these things for me every day?

1. Do something fun / play ( that is not online).

2. Do something physical every day. Get your heart rate elevated – jump rope, go for a bike ride, online exercise videos for kids.

3. Talk to friends or family – on the phone on a video call or from balcony to balcony.

4. Learn something new each day. Maybe that means doing an assignment I give you, or learning how to cook a new recipe with mom or dad, how to fix something, how to build something, or going on a virtual field trip to a famous museum or location around the world.

5. Do something kind and fill someone’s bucket. This can look many different ways. You could help a family member, send a note or card to a friend or family member who is not in your home, put out a shallow bowl of water for the pollinators who will need hydration as they begin to emerge. Be creative!

Posted: April 3, 2020

Learning Activities

The school district has created a Continuing Learning website with activities related to curriculum

Scholastic has posted a month’s worth of activities to do at home.

Posted: April 2, 2020

Resources for talking about Coronavirus with kids

CBC Kids News has a great article with videos answering some popular kids questions about coronavirus: https://www.cbc.ca/kidsnews/post/watch-justin-trudeau-answers-kids-questions-about-the-coronavirus

Here’s a great lego video with a message from Justin Trudeau just for children:


Posted: April 2, 2020