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Happy September!!

Welcome Back! Or Welcome to the Byrne Creek Band Department 😀

I am so excited to see you all over the next week and meet all of our new members. Just some quick announcements to negate questions coming to me this week.

Senior Band: Our First Meeting will be Tuesday September 10th. This will be housekeeping, paperwork, announcements, etc. On Thursday September 12th we will be playing! I already have some pieces picked out for us (including our Remembrance Day piece) so we will be hitting the ground running preparing for those performances.

Jazz Band: Similar to Senior Band in terms of class plans, we will meet for the first time on Wednesday September 11th, and Friday September 13th will be our first playing rehearsal. I do not have pieces picked for you yet, but will be pulling out some charts after our first meeting. (more senior/advance members please remember and keep in mind that we have a number of new people joining our ensemble so we WILL NOT be starting where we ended the year last year in terms of rep difficulty, I do not want to hear complaining about this).

Music Council: Music Council will meet for the first time on Thursday September 12th @ Lunch. Our first event is the District Instrument Rental and Lesson Night on September 24th.

Fundraisers: We will be doing both Honey and Pie Hole Fundraisers coming up in the next couple months. These fundraisers will be discussed at Music Council Meetings prior to being presented to ensembles.

Have a fantastic first week back!!!

Ms. Nastalski