Category Archives: Jethro

Penultimate Foodie Friday

Yet again we had a sweet treat from our Foodie Friday chefs!  This weeks delicacy was a fruit kebab dipped in chocolate sauce.  Yum!  Many thanks again to our Foodie Friday masters: Chef Jethro, Chef Jerry and Chef Ashvin.  Leave a comment to let me know if you have tried any of these recipes at home!

Fruit Sticks with Chocolate


1/2 cantaloupe melon (seeds scooped out)

1 small pineapple (we used pineapple that had already been peeled and sliced from the grocery store)

3 kiwi fruits (peeled)

18 strawberries

Chocolate Orange Dip

3/4 cup milk

3 1/2 oz (100g) milk or plain chocolate broken into tiny pieces

zest of one orange (grated)

1) Pour the milk into a saucepan and add the grated orange zest.  Bring to the milk to a boil.  Carefully, remove the pan from the heat and add the chocolate.

2) Gently stir the milk until the chocolate has melted.  Pour the sauce into a bowl and leave it to cool slightly while you prepare the fruit sticks.

3) Halve the melon and scoop out the flesh in balls with a melon baller or spoon.

4) Peel and cut the pineapple into bite sized chunks.

3) Peel the kiwi fruit holding the fruit upright and slicing downwards away from you to remove the skin.  Cut into chunks.

4) Thread some pineapple, a melon ball, a strawberry,and a chunk of kiwi onto a skewer.  Repeat for all 18 sticks and serve with chocolate dip.


From: Kids’ Fun & Healthy Cookbook by Nicola Graimes (2007) p. 96-97