Category Archives: Jerry

Final Foodie Friday

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We had our final Foodie Friday on May 15th.  As a class we followed Jamie Oliver’s recipe for a “Squashed Sandwich” and had lots of fun in groups making it.  The link to the lesson, and more recipes, is at

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day

We also enjoyed a Fruit Crisp for dessert, courtesy of Chefs Melissa, Eunyoung and Jerry.  They got to pick a variety of different fruit and berries for it, and Mrs. Woff provided a lovely treat with some vanilla ice cream to go with it. Recipe is below.

Thanks to everyone for their participation during this program, we will see if we can continue it next year!

Cinnamon Fruit Crisp


– 6 cups of fruit – a variety is always nice. We used apples, raspberries and peaches.

– 1 cup oats

– 1/2 cup packed brown sugar

– 1/3 cup all-purpose flour

– 1/3 cup butter or margarine, melted

– 1 tsp cinnamon

– 1/2 teaspoon salt


1) Wash and slice the fruit, spreading it out in an 8 inch square baking dish.

2) Combine the remaining ingredients, mixing until crumbly.

3) Sprinkle the crumbly mixture over the fruit.

4) Bake in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.


From: The Quaker Oats Wholegrain Cookbook

Penultimate Foodie Friday

Yet again we had a sweet treat from our Foodie Friday chefs!  This weeks delicacy was a fruit kebab dipped in chocolate sauce.  Yum!  Many thanks again to our Foodie Friday masters: Chef Jethro, Chef Jerry and Chef Ashvin.  Leave a comment to let me know if you have tried any of these recipes at home!

Fruit Sticks with Chocolate


1/2 cantaloupe melon (seeds scooped out)

1 small pineapple (we used pineapple that had already been peeled and sliced from the grocery store)

3 kiwi fruits (peeled)

18 strawberries

Chocolate Orange Dip

3/4 cup milk

3 1/2 oz (100g) milk or plain chocolate broken into tiny pieces

zest of one orange (grated)

1) Pour the milk into a saucepan and add the grated orange zest.  Bring to the milk to a boil.  Carefully, remove the pan from the heat and add the chocolate.

2) Gently stir the milk until the chocolate has melted.  Pour the sauce into a bowl and leave it to cool slightly while you prepare the fruit sticks.

3) Halve the melon and scoop out the flesh in balls with a melon baller or spoon.

4) Peel and cut the pineapple into bite sized chunks.

3) Peel the kiwi fruit holding the fruit upright and slicing downwards away from you to remove the skin.  Cut into chunks.

4) Thread some pineapple, a melon ball, a strawberry,and a chunk of kiwi onto a skewer.  Repeat for all 18 sticks and serve with chocolate dip.


From: Kids’ Fun & Healthy Cookbook by Nicola Graimes (2007) p. 96-97

Foodie Friday the third

We had a nice change from our sweet treats this past Friday.  Chefs Rachelle, Jerry and Milica wowed everyone with some savoury sticky chicken drumsticks. It took a little longer to marinate and then cook the chicken, but the results were fantastic and well appreciated by all.  A tough act to follow!

Sticky Chicken Drumsticks (for 2 to 4 people)


4 chicken drumsticks


Marinade ingredients:

1 tsp balsamic vinegar

2 Tbsp soy sauce

2 Tbsp honey

1 clove garlic

1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger

To make the marinade:

1) Put the balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and honey in a bowl.

2) Remove the papery skin from the clove of garlic and put it in a garlic press.  Squeeze the garlic through the press into the bowl with the other ingredients.  If you do not have a garlic press you can chop the clove of garlic into tiny pieces and put it into the bowl.

3) Peel a piece of fresh ginger and grate it on a fine grater.  It is easier if you freeze the ginger first.  Watch your fingers!

To put it all together:

1) Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

2) Slash the drumsticks with a sharp knife and season with fresh ground pepper.  Put the drumsticks in an oven-safe baking dish, then pour over the marinade so it coast the chicken.  Put the chicken in the fridge for 20 minutes to let the marinade soak into the meat.

3) Bake the drumsticks in the marinade for 45 minutes or until cooked through, turning and basting them with any extra marinade every 10 minutes or so.


From: You Can Cook by Annabel Karmel (2010) p. 54-55

Foodie Friday 2


Yet again, our Foodie Friday was a success!  Thank you to Chefs Solara, Iva and Jerry for another tasty treat. Check out the photos of our cooking adventures from our first two Foodie Fridays.

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Little Fruit Tarts


– 1/2 cup mascarpone Cheese

– 1/2 cup heavy cream or crème fraiche

– 1 Tbsp confectioner’s sugar

– 2 to 3 drops vanilla extract

– 8 oz (250 g) fresh fruit ( we used pear, mango, blueberries and raspberries)

* tart shells


1) Bake shells for 15 – 18 minutes until golden brown, or follow the directions.

2) Let the shells cool for 20 minutes.

3) Whisk together the mascarpone, cream or crème fraiche, sugar and vanilla until slightly thickened.

4) Spoon the filling into the tart shells until they are about half full.  Top with a variety of different fresh fruit.

5) Serve and enjoy!

Recipe from: “You Can Cook” by Annabel Karmel (2010) p. 112-113

*We cheated and bought some :). The original recipe includes how to make the pastry too.

Foodie Fridays!

Back… by popular demand….

Well, actually this is the first time we have done something like this in Division 3.  Most Fridays between now and the end of the school year, grade six students will be participating in a shopping and cooking program to support one of our classmates in his learning goals.  We all get to enjoy the fruits of their labours however!  This past Friday we enjoyed some “Easy Berry Ice-Cream”, although as Chef Natasha mentioned, it was more like a mousse than real ice-cream.  Very tasty nonetheless, and many thanks to our Chefs Maggie, Rakiia, Jerry and Natasha for a sweet treat!  Our next week’s chefs, Iva, Jerry and Solara, have a tough act to follow. 🙂

Here is the recipe in case you would like to try it at home.

Easy Berry Ice-Cream


1 lb (450g) strawberries

8 oz (250g) raspberries

8 oz (250g) blackberries

1 cup superfine sugar

3/4 cup heavy cream (I believe we used whipping cream)

1 to 3 Tbsp confectioners sugar


1) Wash the fruit, picking out any bits of stalk and hull (take off the green bits) the strawberries.

2) Put fruit and sugar in a pan, cover and cook slowly for 5-10 minutes.

3) When the berries let out their juice, turn up th ehead and simmer for 5 minutes.

4) Let the fruit cool, then blend it until it’s smooth.

5) Pour the blended fruit through a strainer to remove the seeds.

6) Pour the strained fruit into ice-cube trays and freeze until solid (we used a baking dish instead).

7) Put the cream in a bowl and whip it until it forms soft peaks.

8) Let the frozen berries thaw for about 5 minutes, then roughly chop them in a food processor.  Add the cream.

9) Whiz to combine everything.  Add confectioner’s sugar to taste.  Serve now (it will be very soft) or freeze for up to an hour before serving.  Enjoy!

Recipe from: You Can Cook by Annabel Karmel (2010)