Category Archives: News

Giants Game Extravaganza!


On February 18, 2015, students in Division 3 saw the culmination of all their hard work and leadership at Chaffey-Burke Elementary in the Acceptance event at the Giants’ hockey game.  Nearly all intermediate students at Chaffey-Burke participated in this event, over 200 kids!  Everyone was on their best behaviour and danced the “Happy” dance perfectly.

This event is a yearly occurrence whereby students from all over the Lower Mainland come together to spread the message of Acceptance. It has its roots in the courage of two grade 12 students in Nova Scotia who got their whole school to wear pink to support a student who was bullied and called homophobic names for wearing a pink shirt to school.  The intent has spread to encourage students put a stop to all kinds of bullying and to live the message of Acceptance of all.

Division 3 took on a major role in ensuring all students in the entire school learned the choreography to the song “Happy” by Pharrell.  Students taught small groups in one or two classes at a time and quickly learned how best to communicate and support the younger students in their learning.  This was a wonderful opportunity for our grade six and seven students to demonstrate and practice their developing leadership skills and to give back to the school community.  Everyone stepped up to the challenge and made Ms. Montgomery proud! Please look under “Bookmarks” for links to the two videos of the dance.

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