Book Spine Poems

We have been working on book spine poems and it was a interesting experience. My book spine poem is here.


We went to our school library to look for ideas for our poems. It was fun to see all the titles we have never seen before. I liked the book finding and I found some books that could be a book spine poem.

The poems are very cool and you can be very creative. I liked making this book spine poem.

Book Spine Poems


Book Spine Poem



When we were given an assignment to make a book spine poem. We went to our school library. You might think that it would be easy but trust me is was kind of hard because you need to know what books your going to use for your book spine poem and where to find them (like what shelf the book would be on) . I had many ideas in my head but it just didn’t fit for the poem because we only had limited books to work with and it was also like an adventure in a way.I would totally recommend doing this if you are up for a challenge of using your great creativity.


Book Spine Poem

“today we went to the library to make a book spine poem and the difficulty’s are that the words that you need wont always be there and make it make sense we started on April 24,2019 and its hard first we went to the library to look at the books and take notes of the books we could use the next day we went to the library….Again but this time we picked out the books i recommend trying this.😊

Book Spine Poem

Nina Katchadourian started book spine poems In the early 1990s by stacking book titles together that created sentences, I borrowed books in my school library and made one myself!

I searched these information on the website

Touching Spirit Bear Takeaway

We have finished reading our novel, Touching Spirit Bear, and we have learnt a lot of different things like Cole.

I think we could all learn to respect the people and things around us and we should try to be invisible to see the world, like Cole did in the story when he tried seeing more wildlife. Being invisible doesn’t mean staying still or trying not to smell like a human, but its means accepting that you’re part of life’s big circle. In the beginning of the book, Cole lashes his anger out on anything that stands up to him, like Peter driscal did. Cole had not accepted that he cant control everything, but after being mauled, he finally accepts this. Sometimes, I get angry at someone, and instead of acting rationally, I hurt them in a way. I think everyone, including me,  can all learn to be invisible like Cole.


exterme envirments

in our class we,ve been working on extreme environments and we learned that desserts don’t have to be hot or cold. And i learned that drawing your own space picture is good but i can’t upload my picture to this page sorry.Also i learned that space has a lot of planets that are far away from each other and that Mercury is the closest to the sun