Cinquain Poems


Cinquain Poems

Cinquain is pronounced as sin-cane. It is five lines long. The first line is 2 syllables, second line is 4 syllables, third line is 6 syllables, fourth line is 8 syllables and last line is 2 syllables long. While you make the second, third and 4th line it would be shape like a diamond kind of like a diamante but for me too explain what a diamante is for a different time. While you make your cinquain you can make the words rhyme if you want, but you don’t have too. This is what a cinquain poem would look like. But not shape like a diamond because I couldn’t .


Flies in night sky

some birds can camouflage

for an example a snowy

owl bird



Red birds

Cardinal Finch

has a head that looks like

a mohawk and has a long tail





so tall up high

eating leaves and drinking

my family thinks I am one

I’m tall









Recently in class we have been working on Cinquains. You might be wondering what are Cinquains well Cinquains are poems with 5 lines. In the first line of the poem there are 2 syllables, in the second line there are 4 syllables, in the third line there are 6 syllables, in the fourth line there are 8 syllables and in the last line there are 2 syllables so its just 24682. Most often Cinquains tell a story, you can make a Cinquain, anyone can make one, the best way to make a Cinquain is to start with a topic, maybe the topic can be about something you love or spring/summer etc and then you can move on from there. I made this post because I made a few Cinquains I want to share, I will be showing 3 of mine, here they are!


Hey, look!

I’m so happy!

I have cookies today.

Yay, cookies are my favorite treat!



Bob’s Cafe


Come in!

This is my Cafe

Drink my coffee, it has…

Cat food inside and you can eat…

With cats!!!


My Donkeys


Look here!!

Here’s my donkey!

He’s big and very fat.

He can go for adoption now.

Bye bye!



A School Day


I went to school.

I overslept, I did

Not notice. Mom dragged me from home

to school.





is a sweet and

healthy dessert. Which is

one of my favourites. I eat




Green Grass

Green Grass

grows on the ground.

It’s food for cows and sheep.

It’s also a place to view, with

blue skies.



Sponge cake

Sponge cake

is yummy and

sweet. It is also soft.

And sometimes it could be creamy!

Munch! Munch!



Pine Trees

Pine trees

stand tall and strong.

All 4 seasons standing

tall. they are a home for lots of



Cinquain Poetry.

Since the beginning of the year we have been learning about poems. Over the terms we learned about different types of poems like a Haiku and a Cinquain. here are some of the Cinquain poems I have made.

High School

High school

The place you fear

Strangers and work galore

More teachers and subjects too gasp

New friends



Oh home

Sweet shelter home

Comfortable luxurious

No strangers and freedom of choice

Sweet Home


The Beach

Beach party

Bright, sunny, fun

Swimming, running, playing

On the sand dunes of Hawaii fun


Cinquains have 5 lines. In the first line there are 2 syllables in the second line there are 4 syllables. In the third line there are 6 syllables the fourth line has 8 syllables and finally the fifth line has 2 syllables. You can remember this in a simple pattern which is: 2,4,6,8,2.

Cinquains ( Poetry )

Cinquain is a type of poetry (kinda like a haiku) the first line has 2 syllables then the second line has 4 syllables, the third has 6,forth has 8 and the last line has 2 syllables 

My Pizza


Is so tasty

I always like mine fresh!

As it makes its way to my mouth…

it falls



Time goes

Slow when I’m bored

It’s fast when when I have fun

Sometimes it goes by way too fast

Times up!



The books

I read are great

They are full of stories!

Some are even really funny

Books rock!