Book Spine Poems

Recently in class we have been working on Book Spine Poems. You may be wondering what is a Book Spine Poem. In a Book Spine Poem you use books to make a poem as you may know by the title of the poem. Book Spine Poems can be made with very little books or a lot of books, they can be short or long. Here’s are a few that I made:


It was hard at the same time, it was hard because some of the books got checked out that I was going to use and it was hard finding books too. There also lot of books that might not fit the poem you were trying to make so It’s hard finding the books you might need to make a Book Spine Poem but there are lots of books to pick from but overall I had lot of fun making Book Spine Poem and I think anyone can make a Book Spine Poem! 🙂 😛


Extreme Environments


Recently in class we have been working on extreme environments. In order to be recognised as extreme, it must include “inhuman-like conditions”

I chose to focus my studies on space as it is my favourite thing to study.

In order to see my work, hover over the screen with your cursor.


extreme environments are places human can’t survive in like desserts oceans and space the reason you can’t live or survive is that theirs no natural resources like water and food and it might be really hot or really cold but space has so many ways why you couldn’t live there that’s why i choose it .In space there no oxygen so you won’t survive theirs a lot of planets but some take centuries or years or ten years to get to a planet and if you don’t have water or food you would be dehydrated or starve.In the whole univers there so many things we don’t know like is there other creatures or is there other planets we haven’t explored

Book Spine Poems

Do you know what a book spine poem is? A book spine poem is a poem made out of the spines of books by arranging the spines to make a phrase. Recently we have learned about book spine poems. After that we visited our school library. we found books and arranged the spines of the book to make book spine poems.From my experience I found making a book spine poem pretty simple. What I did was I would take a close look at the titles then I would think if it would make sense or not.  Something I found hard were that you wouldn’t find the title you wanted. after that I have made these two book spine poems.






we have been learning about cinquains which is a poem style a cinquain is 5 lines long the first line is 2 syllables long the next is 4 then 6 then 8 then 2 again a cinquain doesn’t have to rhyme but it can if you want it to here is a few i wrote…



Is very fun

It’s also called foot ball

In some places do you like sports?

I don’t




I love

Balloons there cool

They fly with helium up up



It’s cool

You can buy stuff

I have so much money

Guess how much money I have now!

Ten cents