What A Waste

What a waste

Our class has been working on what are some problems about wasting so much food.I think when we have food

 But it’s in the fridge and it’s getting bad we just throw it out then we don’t eat that food then that’s a waste.Of food but did you know that when supermarkets have food but when deliveries come they make space which

means they have to get rid of the other food to make space. But it changed because some parts of the world like France changed because France has banned supermarkets from throwing away any unsold food.

Instead they donate it to charities and food banks but how is Canada doing do you think there doing good but did you know that Canada is the second worst food waste offender.But why do you know why.

March 15, 2018

Today was an interesting day, so I thought i’d share it with you guys.


We had a presentation by Sara & Terence  ~Sorry if I misspelled that name 🙁 ~ In this presentation, we learned about Raptors and Bird Prey. We did an activity… we opened up OWL PALETTES!!! I partnered up with Martina…(Check her blog out, you won’t regret it!) anyways… we found a skull, bones, TONS of fur, etc.


Later in the day we had a so called “Sock Hop” (Jive Dance) but there was a twist… it was…. 50’s style! 🙂 we danced with our division 8 buddies (Mine is Louise!) We had a LOT of fun. So yeah. Did you guys do anything fun today? Let me know in the comments… I just realized that I sound like a youtuber!



We were reading wonder it was very interesting and then our teacher told us to write what we take away from wonder so I wrote this.I think that when somebody is different that doesn’t mean they are weird,2.don’t judge people by their looks,3. If someone looks weird that doesn’t mean they are weird and their personality is not cool,4. Everybody is different in ways that you might not know,last thing is I think friends are very important.One of the last thing you might be wonder how I know so I will tell you, here it is,okay I was think about what my mom and dad and my teachers said about: don’t judging people and treat people equally and being nice. Then I read the book wonder and when I thought about it the don’t  judging people thing and that’s how I got these answer.Now the very last thing is…you guys should read the book Wonder and there is a movie too!

What I Take From The Book Wonder

this book is about August.He has a sickness and looks um…let’s say different because he had lot’s of face surgeries and he may look different, but does that mean we can bully him? What I mean is just because we’re different does not mean we can bully. It’s not nice or friendly. We should help in a way that is nice and friendly.

Take Away From Wonder


Auggie face is not normal. But they should be nice to him because Auggie never want to have 27 surgery. Don’t bully kids that don’t look the same we can all act the same. But we might not look the same. If we chose kind this world will become a better place for us to live Jullian was as was mean and call him a freak I won’t want to get called freak.be awe air it CAN HURT LIKE A KNIFE YOU KNOW so don’t call any one mean things 🙂