Division 5 at Stoney Creek – Page 3 – In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

In Social Studies, we are in the process of creating personal timelines marking major events in our lives. Our timelines have 10 events listed in chronological order, with a short sentence about each. The events can be happy, sad, scary, surprising, exciting…whatever made an impact on your child’s life.

Several of our kids are feeling quite stuck…it would be very helpful if you could have a conversation with their child about some of the major events of their lives and approximately when these happened.

Thanks for supporting your child’s learning.

Hi Division 7 families…I’m putting out one more call for drivers for our skating field trip next Wednesday morning. Right now we have spots for 13 kids, and we need 6 more. Any chance we could drum up 2 more cars with 3 seats each?? Please email me if you are able to help (jill.mcqueen@burnabyschools.ca).

Thanks everyone!! – Ms. McQ

Happy New Year, Division 7 families! We are looking forward to an engaging and fun term.

Please welcome our new teacher, Ms. Pagnucco, who will be working in our class on Tuesday morning/Thursday afternoon until the end of this year (Hooray!!)

A reminder that our Art Gallery Workshop is next Tuesday morning. If you haven’t had a chance to pay the $5.00 fee yet (online, or send cash in an envelope with your child’s name on it if that’s easier), please do so as soon as possible.

Yesterday, a notice for our skating field trips (blue paper) was sent home in your child’s planner. We will need parent drivers in order to go ahead with the field trip. If you need another permission form because yours was misplaced I have some extras at here at the school.

Finally, here is a copy of our overview for the Winter Term. Winter Term Overview 

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

So…we tried to post our coding project to our blogfolios and it didn’t quite go according to plan…and then our lab time ended. We are going to try again tomorrow, so please check the blogfolios again tomorrow evening. Thanks for your patience!

Also, today we received and opened our first notes from our pen pals at Forest Grove…the students were very excited! Several wanted to take the cards home to share with their families. If possible, can you please send the cards back with your child once you’ve had a look at them so that we have them to refer to when we do our writing back to the pen pals?

We have a fun-filled final week of 2019 in Division 7! First though, some business items…

  • Report Card Envelopes: Please return ASAP if you haven’t already
  • Burnaby Art Gallery Workshop: a pink form went home last week with the details and instructions for paying the $5.00 fee online. If yours has been temporarily misplaced, here’s a copy you can print at home: BAG Notice, or you can email me and I can send another one home with your child

Now for the fun stuff! In addition to Friday being a school-wide Pajama Day, we will also be celebrating in our classroom with an afternoon of snacks and Reindeer Games. I will provide and organize the games, and students are invited to send in whatever sort of treats your family might like to send (no nuts, and some healthy options are always appreciated!). 

At the conclusion of our afternoon of fun, we will do a serious desk and cubby clean-out. Please send a re-usable bag with your student to carry home all the random things that tend to collect over the course of the term. If your child has inside shoes, it’s also a good time to check the sizing and hit the Boxing Day sales if you find them needing new ones.

Finally, if I don’t happen to see you in person before the end of the week, I wish all of you a joyous yet restful Winter Break!

Ms. McQueen

We will leave the school for SFU right after recess on Friday so that we can find parking and be organized so that we can maximize our workshop time (11:30 – 1:00).

All students should bring an easily portable lunch with them. Students who are on the hot lunch program will be able to bring a wrapped sandwich lunch prepared in advance by Mrs. Della Santi.

Students under the age of 9 must bring a car booster seat with them to school for this field trip.

Please contact me at jill.mcqueen@burnabyschools.ca if you need any further information.

The students in Division 7 have been working hard to earn a reward for their group behaviour and late last week it happened! After a discussion of possible ways to celebrate this achievement, the students have decided to have an “Electronics Day.”

Students are invited to bring an electronic device to school on Friday, November 29, 2019. We will only be using our devices in the morning, as the Grade 4’s are attending the Young People’s Concert in the afternoon. I will ensure that all devices are securely locked up from 12:00-dismissal.

Students are not required to bring a device; we may be able to use some of the school’s iPads or they can always share a device with a friend in class. I will be monitoring student usage throughout and we will also discuss digital citizenship.

I would prefer that students come with their chosen app/activity/game installed so that wifi is not required; wifi connectivity can be an issue and it is frustrating to have to wait when something won’t load because of a poor connection.

If you have any questions, please ask!

We will be going on a field trip to SFU on Friday, December 6 from 11:00 – 1:30 to support our work this term in Science.

In order for us to be able to go, we are relying on parent drivers who have completed the Volunteer Driver Authorization and a Criminal Record Check. If you are able to drive for this field trip, please indicate this on the tear off section at the bottom of the permission form. (We really appreciate your support!!)

I’ve included a link for the form in case your child has misplaced theirs.

SFU Field Trip

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