The Kindergarten’s Trip to the Vancouver Aquarium & Stanley Park!

In Science this term, we learned about animals that live under the sea!  We read many fictional & non-fictional books, we made beautiful artwork and finally we visited the Vancouver Aquarium.

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After touring the Aquarium in small groups with our parent volunteers we ate lunch in the park and investigated the beach!  Then we got to go to the Aquarium classroom and learn more about the wonderful animals that live in the oceans of British Columbia.

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April Fool’s Day!

According to the BC government – children from Kindergarten to Grade 3 should no longer sit in chairs. It seems they are bad for their backs!  So, all our chairs had been taken away! We decided to see how it would go and email the government at the end of the day with the things we like or don’t like about it. There was some grumbling (mostly by Ms Lawder) …but, most rose, or should I say sank, to the challenge.  After a morning without chairs, we prepared for lunch only to learn that Ms. Lawder had played an April Fool’s trick on us. We all had a good giggle!

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Kindergarten Technology Inquiry

Over the past few weeks, the Kindergartens have been investigating different kinds of technology.  We learned that technology is… anything that we use to help make our lives easier (not just computers, iPads, or electronics!)

We also learned how to take photographs with the school ipads and each student picked a piece of ‘technology’ that they wanted to take a picture of!  Have a look at some of the technology in our school!

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Pajamas, Pancakes and Letters from SANTA!

What a great day!  We started by rolling out of bed and coming to school in our PJs! Then we had a delicious pancake breakfast with our Big Buddies.  During our Library time Mrs Fierro dashed in (she was dressed in Elf PJs today).  She had just met an elf in the hallway…he was really short and had come all the way from the North Pole.  He had letters for us and asked if she would deliver them to us.   They were icy cold! We dashed to our Big Buddies and asked them to read our letters to us!

What a day!  Have a look at the slideshow below.

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Gingerbread Man – The BIG Hunt!!

When she arrived at school, Ms. Lawder told the children she smelled gingerbread in our Classroom. She found our Gingerbread Man sleeping in the playhouse! As she approached, she stumbled and made a noise accidentally waking him up — she couldn’t catch him as he ran out the door. The children know he is still in the school! The hunt continues!
They met with Ms. Shuster’s class and planned who they needed to talk to on their hunt. Then they set off to find their Gingerbread Man!!

Watch the slide show below to see where the hunt took the Kindergartens!

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IMG_6087     gingerbread letter

The Kindergartens are making Gingerbread cookies on Friday.  If you can join us to help with the baking….let Ms Lawder know via email!  Thanks

Gingerbread Blog – Kindergartens make a Gingerbread Man & he runs away!!

The children made their Gingerbread Man today. I must say….he was a handsome looking fellow. They popped their little man in the oven and went to Daily 5. They were rubbing their hands together gleefully as they awaited their ‘gingery’ snack. I remained well hidden and was beside myself with worry.

All ready to bake!

All ready to bake!

When they went to pick up their snack…..imagine their suprise (and MINE!) when they discovered an open oven door and crumbs leading from the scene! By George, he did it — He ESCAPED! (scroll down for the pictures!)
The children hunted all over the school for their cookie, many teachers, staff and children had seen him and told the children which way he had gone. I think the little guy must have a great set of ears as he always managed to avoid them. As hunting didn’t seem to work the children decided to make Wanted Posters which they posted around the school hoping someone might find their Gingerbread Man. Ms. Lawder told them she thought they’d scared him with all their talk about eating him (man ‘o man she has that right!!).

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Gingerbread Blog – Kindergartens are making GB dough!

Today the children were very excited!  At the end of last week they decided that they really must taste some Gingerbread so they are going to make some Gingerbread dough and then bake their own Gingerbread Man. They keep saying “YUM, YUM.”I really feel badly for the poor fellow they are about to make. I must say the day was rather unsettling for me. You should have heard them as they made their dough…. “I want the head!”, “I want an arm.” It really was quite horrible. Don’t they know we have feelings?? They are making their Gingerbread Man tomorrow. I must think of a plan…

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