Word of the Week ….but, we call it W.O.W!!

This week we are starting to learn to read a new word each week – We call it W.O.W.

You can help at home.  Just click on the link below and you’ll find some fun ways to practice at home.  You will also be able to see the words we are learning each week.  If you look at the top of my blog page you will see a ‘Word of the Week’ tab that you can click on to go directly to see our words for the rest of the year.

Word Of The Week

Thank you for supporting our learning at home.  Have fun!

Exploration Time

Exploration Time is when we get to choose what we want to ‘explore’ in the classroom.   We often discover new friends as we find we have the same ‘favourite’ activities!  You will find us building, creating, drawing and engaging in dramatic play.

Family Reading!

We have had a wonderful first few days of school!  The children are settling in to our routines and getting comfortable with their new school.  Our morning Family Reading has already become a fantastic start to each day.  The room is packed and the air is filled with the sound of joyful reading.  I took a quick video this morning …enjoy!

Great Potato Harvest & Potato Party!

Our Spuds in Tubs have been growing since March and we were finally were able to harvest them on Friday.  The Primary classes met outside and dug our hands into the soil to harvest our lovely potatoes!  It was amazing to see how big some of the potatoes were this year.   We found lots of bugs too!  Mr Brown’s & Mrs March’s classes counted the potatoes  — we harvested 681 Spuds this year!  Later in the day we cooked them and met as a group to make potato sundaes with butter, sour cream, cheese, salt & pepper.  Yum!! They were delicious!

Animal Research

During the last few weeks the Kindergartens have had lots of opportunities to learn about many different animals.  We used books, iPad applications and the National Geographic website in the computer lab.  This week the children chose the animal that they would like to research.  We visited the Library and Ms Araujo taught us how to ask good questions.  We also learned proper science terms to help with our research.  The children can’t wait to learn more about their animal!