Bye, bye Butterflies!

We enjoyed watching our caterpillars as they ate and ate and ATE and got bigger & bigger & BIGGER!! Then they formed chrysalides and emerged as beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies! On Friday, we were very excited to release our butterflies so they could spread their wings and explore our neighbourhood.

Vancouver Aquarium Fieldtrip!

In Science this term, we’ve been learning about animals that live under the sea! We read many fictional & non-fictional books and were all super excited to visit the Vancouver Aquarium!

We toured the Aquarium in small groups with our parent volunteers. Then we got to go to the Aquarium classroom and learn more about the animals that live in the oceans of British Columbia.  Just before we headed for the bus back to school we went down to the beach to run about and investigate the shoreline.

We had a wonderful time on Friday!  Thank you so much to our fantastic parent volunteers!!

Grayson Smith Author Visit

We were lucky to have Grayson Smith, an author and policeman visit us to read his book!  His book taught us about the importance of being inclusive and of feeling included.  The children loved Grayson’s story and learning about his life.

From the book….What would happen if, on the first day of school, you took your seat right next to a wild and woolly barbarian from the Far North?  

If you are interested in purchasing this book an order form will come home on Friday!

Poem in your Pocket Day!

We all enjoyed Poem in Your Pocket Day!!  It was so much fun reading our poems to everyone we met that day!!  In the afternoon we went to David Grey Park with our Big Buddies from Ms Keilty’s class and read our poems in the park!  Thanks for all of your help with finding and writing up the poems!

Gingerbread Man – The BIG Hunt!!

When she arrived at school, Ms. Lawder told the children she smelled gingerbread in our Classroom. She found our Gingerbread Man sleeping in the playhouse! As she approached, she stumbled and made a noise accidentally waking him up — she couldn’t catch him as he ran out the door. The children know he is still in the school! The hunt continues!
They met with Ms. Guzzo’s class and planned who they needed to talk to on their hunt. Then they set off to find their Gingerbread Man!!

Watch the video below to see where the hunt took the Kindergartens!


Gingerbread Blog – Kindergartens make a Gingerbread Man & he runs away!!

The children made their Gingerbread Man today. I must say….he was a handsome looking fellow. They popped their little man in the oven and went to the Library. They were rubbing their hands together gleefully as they awaited their ‘gingery’ snack. I remained well hidden and was beside myself with worry.


When they went to pick up their snack…..imagine their suprise (and MINE!) when they discovered an open oven door and crumbs leading from the scene! By George, he did it — He ESCAPED! (scroll down for the pictures!)
The children hunted all over the school for their cookie, many teachers, staff and children had seen him and told the children which way he had gone. I think the little guy must have a great set of ears as he always managed to avoid them. As hunting didn’t seem to work the children decided that tomorrow they will make Wanted Posters to post around the school hoping someone might find their Gingerbread Man. Ms. Lawder told them she thought they’d scared him with all their talk about eating him (man ‘o man she has that right!!).