Gingerbread Man – The BIG Hunt!!

When she arrived at school, Ms. Lawder told the children she smelled gingerbread in our Classroom. She found our Gingerbread Man sleeping in the playhouse! As she approached, she stumbled and made a noise accidentally waking him up — she couldn’t catch him as he ran out the door. The children know he is still in the school! The hunt continues!
They met with Ms. Shuster’s class and planned who they needed to talk to on their hunt. Then they set off to find their Gingerbread Man!!

Watch the slide show below to see where the hunt took the Kindergartens!

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IMG_6087     gingerbread letter

The Kindergartens are making Gingerbread cookies on Friday.  If you can join us to help with the baking….let Ms Lawder know via email!  Thanks

Gingerbread Blog – Kindergartens make a Gingerbread Man & he runs away!!

The children made their Gingerbread Man today. I must say….he was a handsome looking fellow. They popped their little man in the oven and went to Daily 5. They were rubbing their hands together gleefully as they awaited their ‘gingery’ snack. I remained well hidden and was beside myself with worry.

All ready to bake!

All ready to bake!

When they went to pick up their snack…..imagine their suprise (and MINE!) when they discovered an open oven door and crumbs leading from the scene! By George, he did it — He ESCAPED! (scroll down for the pictures!)
The children hunted all over the school for their cookie, many teachers, staff and children had seen him and told the children which way he had gone. I think the little guy must have a great set of ears as he always managed to avoid them. As hunting didn’t seem to work the children decided to make Wanted Posters which they posted around the school hoping someone might find their Gingerbread Man. Ms. Lawder told them she thought they’d scared him with all their talk about eating him (man ‘o man she has that right!!).

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Our Schedule!!

I’ve just posted a copy of our daily Kindergarten schedule. It is attached to the black menu bar near the top of this page. If you would like to download the schedule and print it out…there is a download link at the bottom of the page.

Our School Pumpkin Patch!

We were so lucky to have a pumpkin patch at our school on Wednesday!  The Revitt family who have 3 daughters at our school applied for a grant and true to their family motto of “Go Big or Go Home” the pumpkin patch they created was simply fantastic! The children loved skipping through the pumpkins, munching popcorn, slurping hot chocolate and finally collecting their pumpkin to take home!

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Kindergarten Gradual Entry Information

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Due to the late start up this year, we have had to adjust the Gradual Entry process.  We are asking families to please fill out the attached form and return it to the school office by 12:00 pm on Monday September 22nd.  Hardcopies of this form are available at the school office.  The information provided on these forms will help us to create balanced classes.

Kindergarten Information Sheet  (click green link for information sheet)

The class lists posted on Monday will be tentative.  Some changes or adjustments may need to be made as the week progresses, but Kindergarten class lists should be finalized by Friday September 26th.

We very much look forward to getting to know you and your child.

Here is the shape of next week…

Monday September 22nd Return Kindergarten forms to school office or email to
Tuesday September 23rd Small groups attend 9:00-10:00 or 10:30-11:30 (We will let you know which group your child is in by Monday at 3:00).
Wednesday September 24th Whole class attends 9:00-10:30
Thursday September 25th Whole class attends 9:00-12:15 (Students bring packed snack and lunch)
Friday September 26th Whole class attends 9:00-1:45 (Students bring packed snack and lunch)
Monday September 29th Whole class attends Full Day 9:00-3:02

Our school hours for the rest of the year will be:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 AM – 3:02 PM

Wednesday: 9:00 AM -1:57PM

Wizard of Oz!

wizThe South Slope/BCSD production of the Wizard of Oz is fast approaching!! All of the classes have been busy learning their songs and their lines! Our Music Teacher, Mrs. Fierro is quite famous for her magnificent musical productions ….you are in for a real treat!   Ticket information will be coming home soon.
Our shows are on:
May 20th – Dress Rehearsal at 9:30 AM
May 21st – Matinee at 1:00 PM & Evening Performance at 6:30PM
May 22nd – Evening Performance at 6:30PM
The whole school will be involved in all 4 performances!