FAQ – What are Lab Storyboards?
Q. What is a lab storyboard?
A. A lab storyboard is a BRIEF set of points and or pictures that relate to the lab procedures.
The information on YOUR storyboard should help YOU to collect scientific evidence to answer your lab claim. Focus on the following three areas:
- gathering lab evidence
- being personally safe
- being environmentally aware.
Q. What should I put on my lab storyboard?
A. Information about how to protect your eyes and skin if they come into contact with harmful chemicals.
Information about how to dispose of harmful chemicals (aka reagents). “Dilution is not the Solution to pollution”
Q. How long should my lab storyboard be?
A. Brief – just cover the main safety and data gathering issues!
Q. When will I use my lab storyboard?
A. When you are completing your lab and when your are writing your open note lab quiz
Q. How is my lab storyboard assessed?
A. You receive 5 marks for completing your lab storyboard and 5 marks for how well you highlight the special considerations related to the lab that you are doing. (TOTAL = X/10).
Q. What do lab storyboards look like?
Lab Safety Skills:
WHMIS/Labels: Quiz
WHMIS -Student Booklet: 00._whmis_booklet
Accidents in the Science/Chem lab can be prevented:
- Stop to think!
- Use Common Sense
- Wear safety glasses when mixing and/or heating chemicals
- Ask your teacher if you are not sure!