Part 1: DNA Structure & Function
Sex Chromosomes: Is the Y chromosome becoming extinct?
Part 2: Simple Patterns of inheritance
Punnett Square Basics_Mendelian Ratios
Mendelian Genetics: Simple patterns of inheritance
Mendel and his pea plants come up a lot for anyone studying either biology or genetics (Punnett squares, anyone?), but the key principles of Mendelian inheritance can be broken down into Mendel’s three laws of inheritance:
Law of Independent Assortment
The law of independent assortment says that genes for different traits segregate independently of each other. It means that separate traits are separately inherited. This is because during meiosisthe chromosomes line up randomly before the cell divides, allowing for gamete formation.
Law of Dominance
The law of dominance says that there are dominant and recessive traits. Dominant traits are defined as whichever phenotype is expressed in an organism that is heterozygous for the trait.
Law of Segregation
The law of segregation says that everyone has two versions (called alleles) for each trait—one from each parent—and that these alleles segregate randomly (see independent assortment) during meiosis.
A Brief Disclaimer:
Don’t forget that Mendel’s laws don’t always work.
Mendel studied the results of crossing different traits in pea plants, which show relatively simple inheritance patterns. Luckily for Mendel, he didn’t have to deal with any funky things like incomplete dominance, sex-linked genes, or polygenic traits in his pea plants. Although Mendel’s laws work, they don’t perfectly apply in all situations. See non-Mendelian inheritance for more.
2022_200th ANNIVERSARY of mendel’s work
PODCAST: Hap-pea 200th birthday Mendel
Part 3: Mendel
Great Minds: Mendel
Review Video: Non-Mendelian Genetics
Part 4: Evolution
Video Presentation of: “The making of a theory” The Origin of Species from HHMI Interactive
Understanding Evolution “Survival of the Sneakiest”
Video: Why Crickets Call?
Student Worksheet:
Video: Misconceptions about how Natural Selection works
“Natural Selection Checklist”. from Learn Genetics
Student WOrksheet for “Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life” Answer the 6 questions on a separate sheet of paper
Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
Part 5: Geneology
Video: How are we all related?
Pedigree Analysis: